41. The one with the Yule Ball

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Elli woke up excited Christmas day for multiple reasons. One, there was a pile of presents at the foot of her bed that was taking up most of the floor, and two, today was the day of the ball.

Elli and Hermione sat down on the floor together and they opened up their presents and talked about the amazing day they were going to have.

From her parents, she received a fancy stationery set and some jell pens, some new clothing that Pepper definitely picked out, a fancy laptop which she sadly could not use at Hogwarts. Natasha gave her a pocket knife which she quickly had to hide under her bed so the other girls didn't see it. And Tony sent her a very pretty diamond set. The earing and necklace looked like little snowflakes. 

Mrs. Weasley sent her a knitted hat and a tin of fudge. Ron had given her a couple chocolate frogs. Hermione gave her a poster of the Holy Head Harpies, her favorite quidditch team. And Harry gave her a broom cleaning set. 

She was going to have to postpone writing thank you letters till tomorrow, because she needed to get ready for the ball. 

After they ate lunch with everyone, the girls set off to start getting ready.

Hermione thought it was weird to get ready so early, but Elli had to explain to her just how many steps went into it. 

And the fun part about getting dressed up was always the pampering before you even started. 

They took showers, put on face masks, and did their nails.

Then the real getting ready started. Elli helped Hermione tame her curls before the two set off to do their makeup.

Elli didn't really use it that much, and because Pepper taught her how to apply it, it looked more natural glam. Her eyes were shadowed in brown, with silver sparkles on her crease. Her eyelashes looked longer with the mascara she used, and she put highlight on her cheeks. Elli thought for a moment if she should put blush on, but realized her cheeks would definitely blush naturally on their own this night.

With her hair, she kept it natural as it was. But took a strand of hair from each side from the front and pinned it in the back with some silver bobbies. 

Then, it was time for the dress. Elli had taken it out of the box already and hung it from her bedpost. It was beautiful, everything she wanted when she described it to Pepper. She knew her mother could find it. 

It was a long black dress. Its straps were a little thick, but the neckline was low. The underdress reached to her thighs, with the rest of the dress being sheer as it hit the floor. And through the dress, were silver sparkles that made it look like the night sky. 

When she slipped it on and looked over herself in the mirror, she felt just as equally beautiful to the dress itself. 

Walking over to her trunk, she took out her black heels. They were a good four inches, but she would still be shorter than George and his towering height. 

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