75. The one with the secret meet up

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Elli was wearing a pair of black leggings, white converse high tops, and a black hoodie. She carefully tiptoed down the stairs. She walked quickly past the stairs to the kitchen. She was in the hallway, the front door was right there...

"And where do you think you are going?" Old Remus asked her. Elli sighed before she turned around seeing him at the end of the hall with his arms crossed.

"I need to go out and run some errands," She gestured with her thumb behind her at the door.

"Oh, and what kind of errands do you need to get?" Remus raised an eyebrow.

"You want the truth?" Elli raised one back.

"That would be nice," Remus told her

"I'm on my period and I need to go out and get some tampons," Elli told him with a straight face.

"Right," Remus's face turned a bit pink, clearly flustered. "Carry on."

"Thanks," Elli flashed a smile before she turned back around and opened the door. 

Elli pulled her hood up over her head while she walked down the stairs. She still needed to be careful being out in the open like this, the only way she knew to get out of the house was to throw a curveball at Remus. Men, such idiots.

She didn't even have a period, all the experiments they had done on her left her barren. No chance of ever having a child of her own. Elli didn't mind though, periods sounded awful. All the cramping and the bloating and the acne. She'd pass any day.

Plus, children never interested her like most other little children when they were younger. She never pretended her barbie dolls or stuffed animals were children. Thats probably because the only time she really played with those kinds of toys was in therapy. It was called 'play therapy,' a practice in which her therapist used to assess her off of how she played with her toys. 

It was brutal the first session. She had demonstrated to this poor woman how to decapitate a person using a stuffed bear. Yeah, toys weren't really her thing. And thats another reason why she never wanted kids- besides the obvious that they were generally gross- she didn't know how to play with them.

When she first met her half-sister, Lila, she refused to even hold her. In fear of breaking her. It wasn't till Lila was around the age of three that Elli actually found interest in playing with her sister. Because by then Lila could talk and walk, and Elli was healed more in the head by then. 

The ride on the subway, or tube as they called it here, was interesting. As it always is. There was a homeless man shooting up with something in the corner. And across from her, sat an old lady who really liked to sing opera apparently. 

When it got to her stop, Elli quickly got out of that compartment. Shoving pasted people who were trying to get on, her hands went into her pocket. Riding on the underground, there were generally just things you could always expect. Those people on the train being one of those things. Another was the group of teen boys trying to graffiti things on the ads. 

Elli Rose: One too many adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now