31. The one with a dinner party

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Summer, summer, summer

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Summer, summer, summer...

Wait, wait, wait! This is not a High School Musical movie!

No, no, no! Elli did not spend the summer being an angelic child. Nope. Not her.

She spent the summer going out and partying. Something she loved and hated. Loved because well, hot boys, alcohol, dancing, etc. But hated because her body burned up the alcohol so fast, she barely got a buzz. But it was fun being with her childhood friends. They were awesome! Plus with her parents going into the third month of finding Loki's scepter, they barely noticed her. She was just about to sneak out to another party as she passed the living room on the way to the elevator.

"Oh, Elli!" So, so close.

"Hey Pepper!" Elli turned around and smiled at one of her mothers. "What's up?"

"I was just on my way out to D.C. for business." Pepper smiled at her as she stood by the counter. "What about you?"

"Nothing just going to Emma's house," Elli pointed her thumb over her shoulder to indicate the elevator.

"Well it's good you girls are getting to hang out. I know you miss them during school," Pepper picked up a pair of diamond earring, placing them delicately into each ear.

"Yeah, but hey, at least I'm learning," Elli said adjusting her bag. She made sure to hide her clothes in there. "When will you be back?"

"About a week, it's a big conference" Pepper went to grab her bag.

Elli felt a buzz from her back pocket, and pulling it out, she saw it was a text from one of her friends.

Alex: Girl hurry your ass up! We have places to be!

"Okay, I'll see you when you get back Pepper!" Elli called going over to the elevator. "The girls are here!"

"Ok, bye honey! I love you!" Pepper yelled as she got in.

"Bye! Love you too!" Elli yelled as the elevators closed.

She jumped up and down with a bit of joy in her face, trying to make it go faster as she dropped all the way down from the top level. Once they opened again she raced out of the Avengers tower and to Sam's car.

"Come on!" Sam yelled pocking her head out the window. "We have cute boys to kiss!"

"Mind not yelling so loud," Elli rolled her eyes as she jumped into the back of the car with the other girls. "JARVIS might hear you."

"Right sorry," Sam gave a sheepish smile as she sat back in her seat.

"It's alright," Elli put on her smile once more. "Next stop, Gabe's party!"

The girls all whooped as they drove off.


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