8. The one with the troll in the dungeon.

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The first two months of school were amazing for young Elli. It was now Halloween, her favorite day of the whole year. Every year she and her friends would go trick or treating around Emma's apartment building as she had the best one, and Elli had no neighbors at Stark Tower. One year, Tony even flew them all out to their house in Malibu for the night so they could get the big piece of candy from those generous neighbors. Elli was sad she didn't get to hang out with her friends this year, but she made new ones and they were just as amazing. 

Sam- her friend not her father- wrote to her, she sent the leader through her parents of course. Seeing how an owl is hard to explain, that Elli's friends were even invited to an eighth grade Halloween party. Elli knew the party they were talking about and felt sad about it. But she wasn't complaining, it was Hogwarts Halloween, they must do something special! 


She was sitting at the table behind Hermione and Ron in charms class next to Dean Thomas. They were practicing how to do Wingardium Leviosa when she overheard Hermione scold Ron on how he was doing it all wrong. Her only thought was, 'Whoever thought to put those two together was a good idea, was seriously wrong.'  

That was until Seamus Finnigan blew his feather up. She was truly amazed with this boy's gift for pyro, and knew he would master that if it was on a test.

Elli knew Hermione was not Ron's favorite person in the world. And it was the same for Hermione, however, the busy haired girl was more civil about it. But what Elli heard made her question her whole friendship with him. 

"Honestly the girl is a nightmare!" She and Hermione were walking a couple of steps behind Ron, Harry, Dean, Neville, and Seamus. "No wonder she doesn't have any friends." Then all the boys laughed at Ron's pathetic joke.

Hermione ran passed them and Elli saw tears in her eyes.

"I think she heard you," Harry was feeling guilty about laughing, it wasn't her fault she was smarter than Ron. 

"Yes she did and that was very mean of you!" Elli stepped in front of them with eyes narrowed. To say the boys were shocked was an understatement, they had only known Elli to be an abundance of sweet smiles, not an angry ball of fury. "You should be ashamed of yourself! And I'll have you know that I'm happy to be friends with Hermione!" She stepped forward and pointed her figure at Ron's chest, who gulped in return. Her hair flipped fast over her shoulder as she took off in the direction of her hurt friend.

"Well there goes my chance," Seamus sighed to the group of boys. Dean started laughing immediately. 

"Mate you had no chance! She's as tall as you!" The boys once again laughed, but Ron and Harry were both not feeling right with the conversation that just occurred. 


"Come on 'Mione," Elli rested her head on the bathroom stall door. "They are just being jerks! I love being your best friend."

Elli Rose: One too many adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now