54. The one about the past

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In the midlands of Scotland, sat a school for the magically gifted. If someone were to come across the school, and did not possess the gift of magic,  they would see a pile of ruins and a sign that said: Danger do NOT enter.

If you looked inside the school, you would see a girl walking down the hall. Her dark brown hair going down to the middle of her back, the bright blue eyes she had that always seemed to shine, and the smile that rested upon her lips always there.

Jade Scamander was a very lovable girl. She never broke the rules, always had her homework done on time, and wanted to spread an endless about of positivity into the world. 

So it was odd for her to look so down today. Maybe it was of the letter in her hand and the news that it brought with it, but Jade was not feeling like her usual self today. If anything, she felt ver disconnected from what people expected of her.

"Hey, Jade," Lily fell into step with the shorter girl.

"Hey, Lil's," Jade shoved the letter into her pocket. "Have a nice day?"

"It would get better if Potter wasn't trying to ask me out every five minutes," Lily Evan was usual a nice girl, the only time she had ever not been was when the one and only James Potter was around.

"I'm sure he will learn eventually," Jade had been saying this for the past three years. Maybe one day Potter would actually do it, but it certainly was not today.

"Yeah, when he stops acting like a five year old," Lily sneered as they walked up the stairs to Gryffindor tower. "I mean honestly, how does he expect me to ever go out with him when he's mean to Severus for no reason at all, then pure boredom."

Jade hummed as she nodded her head. That would be a sensitive subject to talk about, or give her opinion on. Lily had been friends with Severus since before they came to Hogwarts. And when they were younger, Jade could see why they were friends. 

But now Severus was hanging out with a bad crowd, with the older Slytherin students who were practicing dark magic under the teacher's noses. 

Jade had even once seen Regulus Black hanging out with that same crowd. She didn't tell Sirius though, because she knew what Sirius would do. March right up to them and hexes would start to fly. She didn't want to be responsible for that. So, she kept her opinions to herself, only telling them when directly asked. 

"Flober worms," Lily spoke the password to the Fat Lady.

The portrait hole moved open as they walked into the warm and inviting common room. Both girls going over to the couches and sitting down.

"Have you finished the paper for Slughorn yet?" Jade pulled out her textbook from her bag.

"Yes, I did it yesterday day because we have a Slug club meeting tonight," Lily pulled out just a normal book from her bag. Jade read over the cover to see it was Pride and Prejudice, a book she had seen her friend read many times. "He keeps asking me when you're going to join."

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