19. The one with the Tesseract

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Elli sat up in her bed in the middle of the night, reaching up, she felt beads of sweat on her forehead. Looking over to her side, she saw Natasha tucked in asleep next to her.

Elli had been here a month so far and these people felt the constant need to... well, she didn't really know what they were doing.

But they were being nice to her, like the guard that showed her snow. But this was on a whole other level than she had ever experienced.

They switched off who slept next to her each night, because she so often woke up in the middle of the night screaming and crying that it was just easier this way to comfort her back to sleep. Once she woke up eight different times, that was on one of Steves's nights and he got no sleep that night at all.

Elli hated when she had to wake them up, so she was glad she hadn't woken up Natasha. 

Picking up the very soft blanket off her, she scooted towards the side of the bed before climbing off of it. 

She didn't like the bed. It was nice, but was too soft and the pillow made her feel like her head was sinking into something every time she laid on it. 

She was so used to the floor that the first night there she went straight towards the rug and not the bed. They had to teach her just what a bed was.

Elli opened her bedroom door opening it up slowly to make sure Natasha stayed asleep. When she got to the hall, she walked down it on her tiptoes because a lot of the rooms were cracked up. They were always ready for something here.

When she got to the end, she was going to head towards the kitchen to get some water, but stoped in her tracks. Stood in front of her, with their backing towards her, was a bald man in a black trench coat.

"Who are you?" Elli asked.

The man, who was stood over their dining room table, turned around. Elli noticed the eyepatch on his face. 

"You must be Elli," He said. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Nick Fury."

"What are you doing here?" Elli didn't know if she should stay or run and grab one of the adults.

"Needed to drop something off," Fury said. "I work with the people who saved you."

"What do you do?" Elli grew curious, because all she really knew about these people where that they saved her. 

"Well, they're heroes," Fury said simply. "They do the jobs no one else can, and save the world from time to time."

"How does someone become a... hero?" Elli wanted to know. 

"Hero's don't come easy..." He took a couple of steps forward. "They often go through the hardest struggles a person can live through. But in the end... they step forward to emerge and help save the day."

Elli Rose: One too many adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now