2. The one with a rescue

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Through the thick Russian winters, you could barely see it

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Through the thick Russian winters, you could barely see it. The large tower that sat in Siberia. But if you knew where to look, you would find her. The small girl that sat in the pitch-black room. Curled up in a ball as the permanent tear marks sat on her cheeks. But she hadn't cried in years, they just stayed to remind her of the pain her life was always going to be.

Elli's life was never going to be her own, she knew that. They programmed the fear into her brain. No love, no compassion... only death.

Wake up, eat toast and drink the muddy water, go back to the room to practice, eat again, go to the lab and get blood drawn or the occasional thing jammed into her small arms and legs, then eat once more, maybe get a shower once a week and then bed.

Elli repeated this every day for 3 years. The 5-year-old really had no joy in her life at all. She could barely remember her mother's face and completely forgot about her father. She had weird dreams with a green flash once and a while but didn't think much of it. She was smart though for her age and could understand what the scientist said, most of the time even if it was in the other language. She wished for every year on her birthday for the same thing. Please have my parents come and save me. And on October 1, 2004, she got just that.

"238!" A loud bang hit as the door opened up before it came banging open, a tray of mush, with just enough nutrition in it to keep her alive, was tossed in her general direction. "Essen."

"Dankeschön," Elli's voice was low and raspy as she responded to the man in German. Even though they were in Russia, the majority of the people at this facility spoke German. She had to learn on her own what they were saying, or, risk doing the wrong thing and get punished for it.

"Erbärmliches kleines Mädchen," The man spit at her before slamming the door shut behind him.

Elli inched forward as she grabbed her plate of food. It wasn't every day she was rewarded with such things. This one was brown, compared to the normal grey one she was given. But this only meant one terrible thing, she was going to be asked to do something terrible.

But maybe when she did, she would get a better reward for a job well done. Sometimes, they gave her these stale cookies. She liked those, they were nice. But if she didn't do it right... well, she tried not to fail, or, she'd get a punishment.

Ellie ate away at her mush like an animal, picking it up in her hands before shoving it in her face. They did provide a rusty spoon, but this somehow felt like it would get to her belly faster.

Her eyes looked up as she saw a flash by her window, standing up, she wiped her mouth with her arm, before rubbing her hands on her already stained tanktop. Trying to figure out just what was making that loud sound, and that bright light that was coming closer to her.


Tony's POV

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