4. The one with the old man in a robe

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"Can you believe it?!" Squealed Alex as the five girls walked around the mall.

Elli was with her four best friends Alex, Emma, Sam, and Lane. The 11 year old girls were 1 month away from starting 6th grade. And to say Elli was excited was an understatement. She was so excited to finally be in middle school. She was also supposed to be in an Honors English and 7th grade math class, and that's what made two of her fathers very happy.

"I know right!" Elli jumped and put her arms around Sam and Alex. "We are going to have so much fun!"

"And think about all the cute boy," The girls all giggled at Sam's comment.

"Nope! No Boy's at all!" Happy had been following the girls for their protection. And yes, before you ask, he checked all the badges at the stores so the girls were safe.

"Oh relax, Happy, she was only joking," Elli looked at her friends and started to laugh again.

"Oh yeah wait till I tell your father," He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Which one?" Elli turned around and crossed her arms right back.

"Steve," Happy said smugly, and boy did that shut Elli up.

"Fine no boys," She gave a heavy sigh of defeat.

"That's what I thought, now come on we need to get you home it's getting late." Happy told the girls as he picked up the many bags. He was going to have to talk to Tony about some sort of budget for Elli, because there was no way she needed this many things.

The girls walked back to the car and laughed and talked and- much to Happy's dismay- sang the whole way to dropping them off. He wasn't going to admit he loved 'What Makes You Beautiful. It was better than 'Baby' being screamed in his ears.

Elli's parents may seem scary, mean, and self-righteous to the outside world. But to her, they were all she ever wanted and more.

Tony took time out of his day to explain just how he made his suits and helped her create fun things that she thought of; like the solar powered oven for her Girl Scouts trip. All though he normally makes it go over the top, causing her friends to think she is way smarter than she actually is.

Bruce is the same, but when Elli came home from school she always went to his lab to get help with homework or ask if her teacher taught her it right. This may have caused several trips to the principles office because teachers were too frustrated with her arguing.

Clint and Natasha made sure that three times a week for an hour they taught their child how to defend herself. They were so proud to finally be teaching her something, well everything but guns. Natasha also made sure Elli knew Ballet and gymnastics because what little girl doesn't love that? 

Thor may be considered the parent that was there the least, but when he came he made sure she remembered. He was always there for the important stuff like her birthdays, holidays, and her dance companions and recitals. In the summer Elli also got to go to Asgard for three weeks to see her favorite uncle Loki- who also taught her the importance of a prank and how to master it. When in Asgard she was a princess and she made sure to take the role very seriously, she even kissed a baby once! Her grandparents there were the only living ones that she knew about. And when she was there, Elli was known as Elli Thordaughter. A weird family thing where you took the first name of your father and what you were, and that was your last name. You can see why they shortened it for Earth for just Thor.

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