21. The one with the damn cat and rat

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It finally came, puberty!

 Elli had no time really to adjust, it was like she skipped all the hard parts really with everything that had happened to her this past year. But she was only 5' 4" now. But hey, progress is progress. Summer went by fast after the New York attack. Her parents were happy she wore a mask that covered the top part of her face, because she was all over the news. The Avengers had been outed. Now they only did undercover ops and secret missions, so being public was hard and they had to hide their Identities better. Well, all except Tony who outed himself a couple of years ago. 

Elli was excited to see her friends again, they had all written to her worried sick. She simply told them she was fine and on bed rest because of a fever. That wasn't much of a lie, her parents didn't let her leave that often for safety purposes. But she practiced on controlling her powers. 

Elli felt, free. Free because she felt she was holding something in, and once she let it out... she got a whole new look on life. 

Elli was listening to music with her feet up in the air as she laid upside-down in her seat on the jet. She, Natasha, Steve, Clint, Tony, and Bruce were flying into London to meet up with the Weasley's at the Leaky Cauldron. Elli would be staying with them, along with Harry and Hermione, till school started. She was texting her friends back home, seeing as she had limited time left with her phone because Hogwarts blocked all that fun stuff out. Her music was loud as it blasted through her ears, unaware of someone trying to get her attention.

But that all stopped when the earbuds got ripped out of her ear. 

"Hey!" Elli yelled and looked up at Steve who had just decided to end her fun. "What was that for?"

"Elli," Steve sighed and looked down at her, they were all trying to rebuild her trust in them after all the lies. "I have been calling you, we are almost in London. So sit up and strap in."

"Fine whatever," Elli rolled her eyes, but doing what she was told.

"I'm telling you, she gets the attitude from you," Tony pointed to Clint.

"Me!" Clint looked offended at the arrogant billionaire. "If anything she get's her big ego from you."

"Wow, thanks guys it's not like I'm right here," Elli gave her two fathers a hard look. "And who do I get my lying skills from?" 

Elli shot back, thinking they would have a hard time, but they all simply pointed to Natasha.

"I'm not going to deny it," Natasha shrugged as she landed the jet. 

"You know most parents would not brag about that," Elli smirked at her.

"Good thing I'm your cool parent then," Nat smirked back, making her fathers gasp.

"Excuse me," Tony clutched his metal heart. "I am the cool parent." 

"I'm the one who was actually frozen," Steve reminded them as he crossed his arms. "If anything, I'm the cool parent."

Elli Rose: One too many adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now