45. The one where they mourn

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"Elli..." Tony kept repeating her name over and over he held his dead daughter in his arm. So much pain came out of his tears as they dropped onto her face. His shaky hand reached over to close her eyes, he couldn't look at them.

"This is your fault, Steve!" Clint hiss pointing a finger at him. "You're the one who said she should go here!"

"Me?!" Steve got pissed by the accusation. "I wanted to pull her out last year but Nat said no!"

"What about Tony?" Natasha scoffed. "He's the one that said we couldn't pull her out of this thing!"

"That's because she would of died!" Tony snapped his head over to them. Putting Elli back down on the ground, he stood up, walking over just as pissed off as they were.

"Well look at her now!" Sam pointed at where their dead daughter lay on the ground.

"Stop! This is helping no one!" Pepper cried out as she stood between them.

But nothing would help to stop this argument from unfolding. And certainly not the ones her friends were having.

"This is you two's fault!" Ron yelled at Fred and George.

"Us!" They yelled back looking livid.

"Yeah, we all know it was you guys who probably put Elli and Harry's name in!" Ron pointed his finger between his older brothers.

"We did no such thing!" George hissed taking a step forward.

"Guys please stop!" Hermione had tears running down her face as she stood between the two brothers. But just like Pepper, she had zero luck.

Remus and Mrs. Weasley were having just as much luck calming Sirius down. He was screaming and very much wanted to fight someone. Who? He didn't care. His baby that he just got back after years of being neglected of her, was once again ripped apart in the most final way.

Everyone just wanted to have someone that they could blame for the reason Elli was dead. Why she was not going to be with them anymore. They were hurting, and just didn't know how to get that out.

"She's dead!" Sirius cried out. "Remus let me go! Sh... she's dead."

"I think I can help," Wanda wiped a stray tear under her eye as she walked towards Sirius. She placed a hand on his temple as he relaxed back into Remus's arms.

"Wh-what did you do?" Remus asked.

"I took away some of the pain," Wanda gave a tightlipped smiled as she looked over her shoulder as they watched Elli's friends fall down to the ground.

"I think thats worked," Vision looked pleased with his work as Elli's friends looked to be sleeping on the floor.

"You were meant to take their pain away, not put them to sleep," Wanda rolled her eyes as she walked over.

Elli Rose: One too many adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now