24. The one with Dove Town

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"No, no!" Elli dragged her feet as they pulled her down the hall. She wasn't one to not comply, but she hated this. She hated when they made her do this. "Let me go!"

A guard took out his gun, pointing it at Elli's forehead.

"Move," His thick accent hissed at her.  

Elli narrowed her eyes up at him, she hated this man. He was curler than most here, and that was saying something.

Elli huffed as she continued to walk, the barrel of the gun moving to now press against the back of her skull. 

The door to the room at the end of the hall opened up, Elli stopping in her tracks for a second before she was forced to move over.

"238," The scientist hummed as he looked over his old notes. "Care to tell me why you are not listening to direct orders?"

Elli gulped, feeling paralyzed with fear.

"Ah, not talking today I see," He shut his notebook peering over at her. "Very well, you have left me with no choice, 238. No choice at all."


"Listen to the idiot," Ron said as the four friends overheard Malfoy being overdramatic. "He's really laying it on thick isn't he?"

"Yeah well, I heard Draco's father is furious," Hermione told them.

"Well, it's his own damn fault," Elli peeled her eyes away from him. "He went up to Buckbeat when told not to."

"He's been sighted! He's been sighted!" Seamus yelled as he ran into the hall, coming to the middle of the Gryffindor table before slamming down the copy of the Daily Prophet.

"Who?" Ron asked.

"Sirius Black" Seamus responded. Everyone gasped and ran over to see it. Hermione snatched the paper first.

"Dove Town!" She exclaimed. "That's not far from here."

"You don't think he'd come to Hogwarts?" Neville looked as white as a ghost. "Do you?"

"He'd be stupid too," Elli shook her head as she leaned over to read the paper. "With dementors at every entrance-"

"Dementors," Seamus cut her off with a scoff. "He's already slipped past them once hasn't he, who's to say he won't do it again."

"That's right." The kid Harry was standing behind told them. "Black could be anywhere, it's like trying to catch smoke, smoke with your bare hands."

"Well, your not helping!" Elli said frustrated throwing her hands in the air. 

This was going to be even harder keeping Harry safe. Elli was prepared to fight the man if she needed to, she would do anything to keep her friends safe. Elli sighed as she looked into the eyes of the mad man. She noticed something, something she didn't see the first time. But she didn't know what.

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