22. The one with Chocolate

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She stood at attention, her arms behind her back and her legs in line with her shoulders. Acting as the perfect little soldier that she was made to be.

The scientist walked around her, studying the girl, who in a month, would turn five. 

He stopped in front of her, his harsh green eyes staring down at her. "Care to explain to me what you did wrong on your last mission."

"I executed the mission just as ordered, sir," Elli's voice came out very monotoned.

"As ordered," He hissed. "I don't recall taking a prize with you part of the plan!"

His hand came down to strike her in the face. She didn't flinch though, simply turned it back to look up at him.

He walked over to the table, picking up the scepter. "This! Do you know what this will do?! Du dummes kleines Mädchen!"

Elli didn't like being called stupid. She was quite inelegant, and he knew that.

"Sir, that object has magic in it."

"I know what it has!" He snapped. "Magic not from this world. And do you know what that will bring upon us?"

"I thought you'd be happy to have it in your arsenal," Elli tried to explain. "Sir."

He tossed it around in his hand before placing it back on the table. "You will be punished for this, I believe a day in the pit will do."

Elli's jaw clenched, she hated it in there. It was pitch dark, there was a murky layer of water. She couldn't even drink the water because it was usually filled with her urine for not being able to use the bathroom.

Once she had spent a week in there because she had failed to kill someone she was ordered to kill.

And that wasn't even the worst punishment they had given her.

Elli's eyes looked over at the scepter she had picked up off of the ground during her mission. It was just sitting there... she could feel the raw energy pulsing off of it. And the bright blue stone... it was like it was speaking to her.

She shouldn't have picked it up, she knew that. But this object would soon be the thing to save her. 


"Harry," Hermione was on her knees, at eye level with the boy, whose head rested on Elli's lap now. "Are you alright?" 

"Obliviously he's not ok," Elli said as he started to wake up ."He passed out." Hermione just hit her in return. "Ow," She said rubbing her arm, as Harry sat up and Ron handed him his glasses. 

Elli Rose: One too many adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now