32. The one with Ultron

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Elli sat on the medical table in the lab, Clint had placed his brown leather jacket around her exposed body since her dress was now in a pile of ashes in their living room. Elli had taken on wearing the only fireproof clothing she had since she started to use her powers again; her trusty black sports bra and spandex shorts. 

Clint was more worried at the cut across her cheek and forehead, as he attended to those wounds and tried to clean them up. 

"All our work is gone," Bruce bit his lower lip nervously as he glanced down at one of the computers. "Ultron cleared out. He used the internet as an escape hatch."

"Ultron," Steve mumbled looking both pissed and disappointed.

"He's been in everything." Natasha had been examining another computer next to Bruce. "Files, surveillance. Probably knows more about us, than we do about each other."

"Wait, even me?" Elli pushed Clint's hand away for a second, needing to know if her own identity was in danger. If the already limited life she was allowed to live, would be taken away from her. 

"No," Clint shook his head as he went back to trying to clean Elli's cut on her cheek. He took an alcohol swab and dabbed at the cut, causing her to let out a little hiss from the stink. "The only thing he can maybe get, is your birth certificate, that's the only public record on you. We wiped your old school stuff clean when you went to Hogwarts."

"Well, he's in your files, he's in the internet," Rhodey crossed his arms as he addressed the group. "What if he decides to access something a little more exciting?"

"Nuclear codes," Hill suggested as she sat on a chair, picking glass out from the bottom of her feet.

"Nuclear codes," Roddy repeated. "Look we need to make some calls, assuming we still can."

"Nukes?" Natasha almost scoffed as she pushed herself away from the computer. "He said he wanted us dead."

"He didn't say dead," Steve spoke up, remembering the wording he had heard from Ultron. "He said extinct."

"That is a lot better, thank you, Steve," Elli rolled her as Clint was now putting a cold jell like substance on her cuts.

"Didn't he say he killed somebody?" Clint finished cleaning Elli's wound up, as he placed the items back onto the metal tray. Turning to look around at everyone. They were all there, all alive, so who had Ultron claimed to kill?

"There wasn't anyone else in the building," Hill put her foot down on the ground.

"Yes, there was," Tony had a deep sadness in his eyes as he walked over and projecting a broken up yellow light.

"This is insane," Bruce said looking at their now dead AI. How does someone even kill an AI?

"JARVIS was the first line of defense," Steve shook his head. "He would have shut Ultron down. It makes sense."

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