39. The one with Dancing

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"Psssst," Elli looked around the common room for the sound. It was late at night as she stayed up trying to complete her potions homework that was due the next day. The first task had put a pause on her regular homework schedule. "Pssst! Over here." 

"Oh there you bloody are," Elli's eyes finally found the face in the fireplace. Standing up, she walked close to it.

"Yes, yes, we don't have much time," Sirius said as Elli kneeled down to face him. "How was the first task? Are you okay?"

"Well if you would have waited I was about to send you a letter about it all," She reached behind her and picked up the letter she was going to send in him. "Spencer was just out sending a letter for Hermione."

"Yes well I'm very impatient," Sirius rolled his eyes. "So just tell me now."

"It was only a dragon, nothing I can't handle," Elli placed her chin on her knees. 

"That's good and you're alright?" He looked a bit concerned. He wasn't as used to her other parents with the whole fire things. 

"Yep, no scratches or bruises," Elli gestured to her body. 

"That's good," Sirius looked relieved to hear this. 

"How's the trial going?" It had been on Elli's mind for a while, they couldn't talk much about it because all his mail had to go through the ministry for approval.

"All good, hopefully I will be out before Christmas, New Year's the latest," Sirius looked happier than Elli remembered seeing him. That was with the limited interactions they had she could remember. 

"I can't wait, it just sucks we can't spend Christmas together," Elli pouted. 

"Well I get it if-if your parents won't-" Sirius started but Elli cut him off.

"No, it's not that. I told them what happened when I got home. They're more mad at me for getting in a fight with a werewolf than anything," They both laughed lightly at that. "They did want to meet you, but I told them you're not allowed visitor's right now."

"Well I would very much like to meet them," Sirius told her sincerely. "Maybe we can meet after the competition is over?"

"Yah, you see..." Elli looked down at her feet. "They don't exactly know, about the competition, that is."

"Elli, they are your parents they have a right to know," Sirius's voice started to border a strict parenting tone.

"I told you, and you're my parent," Elli looked back over at him, trying to find a silver lining. 

"Elli," Sirius shook his head as some embers flew out. "I'm a wizard, I would have found out in the paper. What if something happens?"

"Then I won't have to be around for the aftermath," Elli mumbled. "I just don't want them to worry."

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