63. The one where they fight back

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"This is mad," Harry told his friends as they walked through Hogsmeade.  "Who'd want to be taught by me? I'm a nutter, remember?"

It was the beginning of October, so most of them were wrapped up for the cold weather, all but Elli. She just wore jeans and a long sleeve shirt. She very much enjoyed the winter here in Scotland, because it was the only time her body felt like it was actually starting to cool down.

"Look on the bright side," Ron said as they reached the Hog's Head Inn. "You guys can't be any worse than old toad face."

"I never agreed to any of this," Elli told them.

"And I did?" Harry asked.

"Hey you're the expert in defensive magic," Elli raised her hands in surrender. "I'm just the P.E. teacher."

"P.E?" Ron asked.

"I'll tell you later," Elli waved it off. 

"Who's supposed to be meeting us then?" Harry asked as they approached the door.

"Just a couple of people," Hermione mumbled, pushing the door open.

When they walked inside there was no one to be seen here, except for a goat who was standing on top of the bar. 

"Yeah, I'm good with this," Elli said. "Just how I like my gatherings, with no one here."

"Please will come," Hermione said. "Probably."

The bar was very old looking and very worn down. No one seemed to have been coming through here in a while. Most students didn't even travel this far into the village to even know this place existed. And if they did, it was only by reputation.

Soon, people started to actually come in, and the bartender looked quite shocked to see so many students in his establishment.

"Um... Hi," Hermione stood awkwardly in front of the group of students. "So... you all know why we're here. We need a teacher. A proper teacher... One who's had real experiences defending themselves against the Dark Arts."

"Why?" Zacharias Smith asked. He was a Hufflepuff boy in Ginny's year, who played as a chaser on his quidditch team. 

"Why?" Ron gave him a dirty look. "'Cause You-Know-Who's back, you tosspot."

"So he says," Zacharias nodded his head in Harry's direction.

"So Dumbledore says," Hermione said defending them.

"So Dumbledore says because he says" Zacharias was really getting on Elli's nerves.

"And I say because snake face had me killed," Elli narrowed her eyes at the boy who gulped. "If you want to say otherwise you're only killing yourself."

"Potter could tell us more about how Diggory got killed..." Michael Corner was the boyfriend of Ginny's, and the only reason Elli didn't last out at him.

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