66. The one with the first kiss

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Elli kept her promise to McGonagall and did not inhale any sort of drugs in the classroom after that day. She did, however, make it a very big deal to show Umbridge just how red her eyes were each class after that. Giving her the impression that she was high each and every time she saw her.

And how Elli wished she could get high, but sadly, those kinda drugs had no effect on her. But she had found eyedrops that would do just the trick in making it appear that she was high. Which was the point of it all. Umbridge wanted her drugged up, but Elli wasn't going to let her do it by her means. She was going to take her life back from this woman, whatever means possible. 

Thankfully, she had not received a letter from back home in New York, not that she had been expecting one. She hadn't heard from any of her family since she got locked away in Azkaban and was given Steve's letter. Elli wanted to blame it on the fact that they didn't have an owl, but she knew they could contact her if they wanted to. They'd always find a way. That meant they either didn't want her involved in something, or, the not so happy option, they just didn't want to reach out to her. Which made the whole thing feel less guilty because if they didn't care, she didn't care.

DA meetings were another way for Elli to start to feel like her old self again. Even with it being right under Umbridge's nose, it felt like a great rebellion to be a part of. 

Hermione had figured out a way for them to communicate with one another. She had charged a bunch of gold galleons to have roman numerals around the side. It would glow when the four had decided it was a good time for a meeting. The first one would show you the date, and the second the time. 

And the Room of Requirments was a perfect place for them to practice in. Every time they showed up, the room was prepared to help them out. 

"You know," Elli made Sirius jump when she approached him from behind while he was practicing on a dummy. "I know your secret..."

"You-You do?" He gulped, trying to keep a tight grip on his wand so that he didn't lose it from the sweat producing on his hand. 

"Yes," Elli walked in front of him. A sly grin on her face. "You don't want to be beaten by a girl."

"Oh..." Sirius took a deep breath. It was getting harder and harder for the group to keep up the act every passing second they were here. "Wait, hold on! I'm not scared of being beat by a girl!"

"Oh yeah?" Elli raised her eyebrow challenging him.

"Yeah," Sirius straightened up, pointing a wand at her. "You're on, Rose."

"As you wish, Grey," Elli raised her wand up as well.

"Stupefy!" Thinking he could get the jump on her, Sirius shot the spell out immediately. And he watched, his face dropping as Elli, somehow faster than the spell, arched her body back and it zoomed over her. "Bu-bu-but how?"

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