28. The one with Nothing

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Pure and utter shock. 

Hermione and Ron left Elli and Harry alone as they went their separate ways. Elli was trying to process this new information. Sirius Black, the murderer, and betrayer of friends, was her father.

 Now the majority of her parents are, or have been, master assassins in their life. But they were good now, with the exception of Bucky for the time being. But to know, your own biological father was the reason your mother died and you were kidnaped and tortured for three years, how is one to process that? Was she just supposed to not ignore it? Was she meant to act like she didn't know the blood of a cold hearted killer ran through her? 

Harry and Elli were halfway through the tunnel when it hit her. Her father was the reason Harry didn't have his parents. So Elli stopped in her tracks.

"I'm sorry," She whispered to Harry.

"What for?" He asked as he turned around to look at her.

"Siri-, he is the reason your parents are dead," Elli felt so utterly guilty that she looked down at the floor. 

She was expecting Harry to explode, to yell at her, say that he didn't want to be her friend after hearing this news. Instead... she felt his two arms wrapped around her in a warm embrace. 

"It's not your fault Elli," Harry said. Elli sniffled as she hugged him back. "If anything, I should be apologizing to you." She looked up in confusion at him, so he continued. "Your fath-, he, is the reason you don't have your mum. And why..."

"Yeah I know," She reached up and wiped a stray tear away as they continued to walk back through the dark passage. "What are we going to do?"

"We kill him" Harry stated like it was the most logical thing to say.

"Harry I can't," Elli stopped again, her face going a ghost pale.

"Why not?!" Harry asked rather loudly, a look Elli had never seen written across her face. A look she knew so well from looking at her own reflection. "He killed your mum Elli!"

"I can't be what they made me to be," She shook her head, holding on to her midsection, trying to comfort herself in some sort of way.

"What?" Harry dropped his tone, becoming more confused. 

"Harry, when I was kidnapped," Elli took a deep breath. "They wanted to bring me up to be the perfect killer. I can't do that, I won't kill"

"Oh," A realization had hit Harry. How could he forget what she had confided in them not so long ago? "Okay, then we find another way to make him pay for what he's done." 

Elli nodded her head, unable to feel the need to speak anymore as flashbacks flew into her skull and bounced off of the sides. She felt a cold feeling start to wash over her.

Elli Rose: One too many adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now