74. The with the Christmas special part 2

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"How did you know?" Elli stood up quickly, a list of questions rushing out of her. "How do you know who I am? Who are you? What Ice cream?"

"We are the protectors of reality, it wasn't hard to figure out something changed," Strange explained. "And we needed to talk to you. So, I tracked you down, easy for us to do really."

"Well first off, it's Christmas dude," Elli crossed her arms.

"Actually it's Christmas Eve here," Wong informed her. 

Elli looked confused until looked back up again. In her mind for some reason, it had been sunny when she looked up the first time. It wasn't though, the sky above was pitch black, and you couldn't even see a single star in the sky due to the haze.

"Where am I?" She asked them.

"New York," Strange told her.

"I can't be here! I'm still a wanted fugitive here!" Elli didn't need this kind of stress right now. This was supposed to be an easy Christmas, one where she got to have fun. Not be arrested if she stepped out the door and thrown back into Azkaban.

"Don't worry, no one will know," Strange furrowed his brows together. "Do you have any idea as to what your friends did?"

"No, they said they opened a box they found in the woods outside our school, and when they opened it this green light appeared," Elli gave him the information she had obtained after she confirmed their identities. 

"Interesting," Strange hummed.

"What's interesting?" Elli asked.

Wong did something Elli had never seen in her life. With his hands, he expanded a small green box that floated between the three of them. 

"There was once a man named, Kaecilius, a very dark sorcery," Wong narrated as different images popped up. Elli reached up, running her hand through the man's face. It was almost like a holograph. "He wanted to summon a very dark entity called Dormammu. One of the ways he tried to do that, was by messing up the sacred timeline. He found a way to tap into the time stone, and makes these little boxes that were filled with just a bit of the same magic inside the stone. Then, he scattered them amongst the timeline, trying to throw us off of his hunt to track them down. We've managed to get almost all of them without a person touching them."

"I've heard of infinity sones before," Elli said. "Thor told us about them. The mind stone is what brought Vision to life."

"Each stone serves a purpose. This one," Strange taped the amulet that rest on his chest. It opened up to show a glowing green stone. "Has the ability to bend time, it's the key to keeping our universe balanced."

"Well keeping it around your neck seems like such a good idea then," Elli sarcastically said, giving him a pointed look.

"Trust me, no one can get their hands on it but me," Strange taped the amulet again, the stone disappearing back into its little cage.

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