17. The one with quidditch practice

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Elli had been curled up next to the bucket in her room all day. 

She didn't know what they did to her, but it didn't make her feel well.

Her skin felt like it was crawling off of her, her mouth felt incredibly dry, and even though she had not eaten all day, she was throwing something up.

They left her alone, the first day since she had been here, she had been alone all day. 

Elli threw herself onto the floor as another sharp pain flew through her body. She screamed so loud that she knew the guards out could hear her, they just chose to ignore her.

She was only three years old, feeling pain most adults would never have to face in their lives. 

But she stood there, on the X, for over an hour as they shot something at her. 

It was the day her life changed. 


"I spent the summer devising a whole new quidditch program," Wood informed the Gryffindor quidditch team as they walked to the field. "We are going to train earlier, harder, and longer."

Elli groaned as she threw her head back causing Katie to giggle as the two chasers walked side by side. Elli looked like a mess, her hair was thrown in a lazy bun and she was tired from staying up late last night doing homework. She was convinced that last year was a trick and only in your second year would the real school work begin. 

"What?" Wood mumbled as he quickly got visibly confused. As to why? Well, the Slytherin team was approaching them on the same path to get to the field. Looking like they were going to practice as well. "I don't believe it. Where do you think you're going, Flint?"

"Quidditch practice," Flint had a smug look on his face as the two teams stood across from each other. 

"I booked the pitch for Gryffindor today," Wood gave him a hard look as Elli used her broom as a prop to lean on.

"Easy Wood, I got a note," Flint dug the scroll out of his pocket before he handed it over.

"New seeker?" Wood read over the note twice. "You got a new seeker. Who?"  

And of course, blondie just had to walk up.

"Malfoy?" Harry almost laughed at the notion. 

"That's right," Draco puffed his chest out, a grin on his face. "Thats not all thats new this year." He showed off his shiny new black broom before his teammates showed off the same identical ones. 

"Those are Nimbus 2001," Ron looked shocked they were all spotting the newest model. "How did you get those?"

"A gift from Draco's father," Flint bragged. 

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