3. The one with a family

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3rd person POV.

The team was settling down on the plane. Bruce was in his corner listing to calming music just trying to get the Hulk out of his mind. Thor and Loki were up in the front discussing their next tactics to receive the scepter. Bucky and Sam were putting their weapons and wings back, of course arguing about who did more. Natasha was helping Clint who had a minor graze on his left arm. Steve stood by the door waiting for the kid Tony was talking about; why would they have a kid, what where are they doing to her? These thoughts just come flowing through his mind.

No one knew that Tony was trying to hold back tears because of the small girl in his arms was crying about how her tummy hurt. But what was he supposed to do, drop her? No, he had to hold her tight and get her back safe. 

Elli kept her eyes shut the whole time, not liking how the wind dried out her eyes. She didn't know what was going on, Tony had just taken her from her whole life. Everything she knew was in that haunted tower. All she knew was evil and here was a man, in a skinny red and sliver suit, promising her ice cream. She didn't know what it meant, maybe it was a code word. They liked to use those a lot around her, and she had to decipher what they meant. 

Tony touched down on the ground outside of the jet, keeping his arms securely around Elli. 

Steve looked up and gasped, "Oh no." He thought he whispered this, but it caused the whole team to look up as Tony walked in with a small girl.

She had dark hair that was matted up and went to her shoulders. She was wearing a pair of shorts and a white tank top. The whole team looked in horror when they saw she had bruises up and down her small arms and legs. They could see small cuts and scars on her back where her shirt had risen up a bit.

Tony's helmet came off, "Hey could one of you hold her while I step out?" He looked at the team and they could tell he saw those things too and was trying just as hard not to cry like the rest of them, even Loki looked sympathetic.

"No! I don't want to leave you! I don't want to be hurt!" Elli shouted clinging to Tony's metal suit.

"Hey, it's going to be ok I just got to get out of this... thing, and then I will take you back," He lifted her chin slightly. "We're the good guys, Elli. Don't worry they won't hurt you." Elli simply nodded her head. Don't ask her how but she could always tell when a person was telling the truth or lying, and Tony was telling the truth.

"I got her," Steve volunteered as he went to take her. Tony gave him a 'Don't drop her' look and handed her over. The second she was in Steve's arms, he felt a warm sensation come over his heart. She snuggled into his neck and started to whimper. "Hey I got you your alright," He cooed her walking over to a seat and as he went to put her down, she only grabbed on tighter. He simply turned around and sat down with Natasha on the side gently stroking her arm.

Elli Rose: One too many adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now