60. The one with untold secrets

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Elli had been given a hoodie Poppy had found in the lost and found. She had camped out in the hospital for most of the day, just hanging out with Poppy and trying to get her blood pressure down so she didn't go on another rampage on the school.

McGonagall told her she would talk to Flitwick and Sprouts about why she would be missing her classes today. Thankfully, it was the two professors who would understand the most why she was not in class. 

It was very wrong of her to think so darkly, to crave the idea of taking another human life away before its time. It was something she had worked so hard on, to not give in to those temptations that always rested over her head. Because as much as she acted as if that part of her was separate from who she was today. It was always there. 

Craving it, craving the way the blood felt on her hands as she looked into someone's eyes, knowing the last person they would ever see was her.

"Kill her! Kill her 235!"

Her hand pressed against the brick wall as she leaned against it. Her other hand grasping at the roots of her hair. 

No, no he could not be in her head again. She could not be hearing his voice that held all the power over her life. 

She pinched her eyes shut, trying to desperately think of something other that that room, covered in the blood of her victims.


The way her hands went to grab at the knife she always loved because it cut through peoples thorats like butter.


Her eyes snaped open as she took in several deep breaths. She wasn't in that room at all, she was at Hogwarts. Holding onto the front of Jordan's robes in a tight grip.

"J-Jordan," Elli let go of his robes. "What are you... what happened?"

"I was going to ask you that same thing," He reached his hand out, laying the back of it on Elli's forehad. "Well you're warm, so nothing wrong there. Doesn't explain why I was almost killed for asking for the Transfigurations notes."

Elli rolled her eyes as she shoved his hand off her. "I'm just have a very shitty day. Seeing some very shitty things as well and fantasising about murder."

"Who's murder?" Jordan asked.

"Does it matter?" Elli pushed herself off the wall. "Shouldn't be thinking about murdering someone in the first place."

"It does matter," Jordan gave her a look. "Because, as the lovely Natasha would say, it's the difference between a reason and being a psychopath."

"Umbridge," Elli admitted. "The women makes me want to do terrible things."

"I had her yesterday, trust me, she makes us all want to do terrible things," Jordan rolled his eyes. "But the thing is, you are very capable of actually doing those things. And as your brother-"

Elli Rose: One too many adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now