15. The one with a very dumb man

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Elli's summer went by fast. It started off with the endless fun she had with her friends. They went to the pool, had sleepovers, and generally did a lot of pre-teen girly things. 

She had her first kiss playing spin the bottle at a party with a guy named Luke. 

She found out Luke was not a good kisser when he smashed his teeth into hers.

She grew a little. But other than her friends, summer was boring. 

Now she did write to Ron, Hermione, and Harry almost every day. But for some odd reason, Harry would never reply and Elli was getting nervous. He had told them all about his family and how there were basically horrible people, so Elli hoped he was okay and safe. 

She didn't get to see her parents a lot as Steve, Natasha, and Clint were always on missions. Bruce was still MIA, and Elli hadn't received any news from him since Christmas. Pepper and Tony had a lot of work they had to do all over the place for Stark industries. Thor had to cancel her trip to Asgard, and that was probably the worst thing to happen. She loved it there and missed Loki and her grandma and grandpa. Sam was also still deployed, but she got to call and talk to him once a week and that made her happy. The connection sucked though, his face always had those squally lines on them. Speaking of Happy, he and J.A.R.V.I.S seemed to be the only ones around. 

Elli was just sitting on her couch in the living room reading Ron's letter while petting Spencer. Apparently, he was going to get Harry out of his house if he didn't respond by that night, and seeing the time zone Elli thought Harry was probably already at the Weasley's and she would get an update soon. There were only three weeks left till school started and Elli could not wait any longer. She was just itching to use her wand again.

"Elli, I have been asked to inform you to get prepared for someone special to arrive," J.A.R.V.I.S. voice spoke through the living room.

"What?" Elli looked up a bit confused. She never knew where to look when speaking to the AI, so she generally just looked at the ceiling or any electronic device. "But we are supposed to be getting on the Jet in three hours to go to London." Just as she said that, the elevator opened. Causing her to let out a giant groan as she threw her head back. Not wanting to do whatever chores or shopping trip she was about to get trapped in. "I'll get ready in a minute!" 

"Wow, is it just me or did she develop an attitude problem when I was gone." 

Elli would recognize that voice anywhere. Her head snapped forward as the grinning man stood with a smirk on his face.

"Sam!" Elli jumped off the couch before she ran into his awaiting arms.

"Wow!" He chuckled looking down at her, using his hand to cup her face. "Look how big you got, kid."

"I know, soon she will be bigger than Thor," Natasha ruffled out Elli's hair, causing the girl to giggle as she held onto her father. "Change of plans, it's just going to be us three going to London."

Elli Rose: One too many adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now