37. The one with Rita Skeeter

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"I know someone has Firewhisky!" Elli screamed as she entered the common room. Everyone turned and looked wide eyed and shocked at her outburst. Elli kept her wild and reckless side back in New York. At Hogwarts, she was a different person but right now she needed a drink, more like twenty actually. "Well someone hand it over!" 

Three people got up and ran up to their dorms. Elli took a seat on the couch in between Ginny and Fred.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Fred looked very amused with the girl as he abanded the book he was pretending to read.

"Firewhisky, then talk," Elli replied through gritted teeth, just then the three people ran up to give her it. She stared shocked as a 2nd year boy gave her some, but didn't question it.

"You really going to drink all that?" Seamus was sat at one of the tables, with Dean doing their homework Elli had already done.

"Mmhm," Elli hummed while unscrewing the first lid. She took a deep breath and started to chug.

"Whoa, slow your roll!" Fred was all for messing about, but she was going a little to far for comfort. He tried to take it away, but Elli slaped his hand away.

Elli let out a burp as she lowered the bottle. It stung so bad down her throat, but it made her feel something. Then it was gone again, so she reached for the second bottle

"Stupid tournament," Elli grumbled as she unscrewed the cap, skipping the breath this time and just starting to chug it.

"What the bloody hell are you doing?!" A shocked George asked as he came around to stand in front of them.

"Ah, well you see dear brother, our Elli here is trying to drink her problems away," Fred smiled up at his twin as he gestured to Elli who was almost done with the second bottle.

"And you let her!" George looked horrified by this.

"Mate you try stopping her," Dean said looking over as Elli finished the second bottle.

"Stupid tolerance," Elli mumbled trying to grab the next one, but George grabbed it faster than her.

"No more," He pointed a finger at her. George wasn't normally someone who looked stern, but he did right now.

Elli narrowed her eyes as she stood up. "I can drink as much as I want George."

"Not unless you don't want your stomach to be pumped, you are already drunk enough," George replied taking a step forward. Elli walked away. "See now just go to sleep-"

George was cut off as everyone started shocked at Elli doing a perfect back handspring into a backflip landing on her feet.

"Can't get drunk mate," Elli walked back over to him and snatching the last bottle back. "It's one of my superpowers." She added falling back into her spot on the couch.

Elli Rose: One too many adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now