13. The one in the Dark Forest

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The five of them walked out of the castle with Filch in the dead of night. Elli is a lover of the sleeping arts, truly if she could have chosen any power that would be it. Elli would sleep in all day and night if she got the choice. The soft blankets mixed with her cloud like pillows, it was her own personal heaven her bed was. So this was not ok with her to be up this late and missing vital time with her one true love, sleep.

"A pity they let the old punishments die," Elli rolled her eyes at Filch's words. The man was being very dramatic for this time at night. "There was a time detention would find you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons. God, I miss the screaming." Elli was about to pull out her old therapist's number to give to him.

They approached Hagrid's hut as he stepped out with a crossbow in hand. Elli had to do a double take, wondering if Filch was truly getting them the punishment he wanted after all.

"You will be serving detention with Hagrid tonight," Filch told them and Elli loved the idea, how bad could it be with Hagrid around? "He's got a little job to do, inside the dark forest." Elli wasn't scared of much, but a forest with the name of 'Dark', oh she did not want to go in there. "A sorry lot this is, Hagrid." Elli noticed Hagrid looked like he had been crying and walked up and squeezed his hand as he smiled lightly down at her. "Oh, good god man, you're not still on about the bloody dragon, are you?"

"Hey, his name is Norbert," Elli narrowed her eyes at Filch.

"Norbert's gone," Hagrid sniffed as he used the sleeve of his shirt to wipe his eyes. "Dumbledore sent him off to Romania, to live in a colony.."

"Well that's good isn't it?" Hermione tried cheering him up. "He'll be with his own kind."

"Yeah, but what if he doesn't like Romania?" Hagrid- the ever worrying parent for bizarre creatures- asked. "What if the other dragons are mean to him?"

"Oh, for god's sake, pull yourself together man," Elli noted that Filch said god a lot, she should introduce him to Thor. Boy, would he scare this sad man to death. "You're going into the forest after all. Got to have your wits about you."

"I'm sure Norbert will get to be with the other baby dragons and will be having a bunch of fun," Elli gave Hagrid a smile, not liking seeing him this sad.

"The Forest? I thought that was a joke," Malfoy said looking around worried. "We can't go in there. Students aren't allowed. And there are-" As if on cue there was a howling sound. "-Werewolf's!"

"Wait really!" Elli looked over to the dark forest in excitement. "Come on you big babies, I want to meet a werewolf," Elli practically ran into the forest as the others followed. She has always found things that people say are fake, well real, and quite fascinating. They were walking in the forest till they came to a stop and Hagrid put his fingers in a silver substance.

"Hagrid, what is that?" Harry asked.

"What we're here for," Hagrid stood up as he showed the silver substance to the kids. "See this? That's unicorn blood, that is. I found one dead a few weeks ago."

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