43. The one with a murder

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"Now I remember-I remember when I first met you all," Hagrid- their not so sober adult friend- walked with them through the forest after the task. It was their pre-celebration before the party they knew would be held in their common room when they got back. "Biggest bunch of misfits I ever set eyes on. Suppose you remind me of myself a little. And here we all are, four years later."

"We're still a bunch of misfits" Ron chuckled as they tried to keep up with the half-giant.

"Well, maybe, but... we've all got each other, " Hagrid smiled down at them before looking over at where Harry and Elli were walking a little away from them."And Harry and Elli of course. One of you is soon to be the youngest Triwizard champion there's ever been!" 

Elli couldn't help but laugh as she crossed her arms over her chest. She had put her track bottoms and shoes back on, choosing to keep her jacket off to feel a bit of cold on her arm. 

It actually felt nice for her to be in the water today. Well, that was if you look away the mermaids trying to kill her, her boyfriend, and friends that was. 

She liked the cold, which was ironic because it was something she could not have with her powers. 

Harry started to wander off more as the others started to sign the Hogwarts school song. 

"Harry?" Elli walked over to him.

He had stopped dead in his tracks and she didn't know why, so she followed him behind the tree. A loud gasp came out of her as she placed a hand over her mouth.

Mr. Crouch was lying on the floor, stiff with a terrified look on his face. 

"He's..." Elli couldn't even speak the words. 

There was something about being around a dead body that was too familiar for comfort. Elli hated it, she always hated seeing people dead. 


"Look at you," He looked so pleased with her work. "Elli, mein schöner kleiner Soldat."

Elli dropped the knife that was in her hands. The sound rattled off the walls and into her ears. She did good, she did as she was told to do.

But why did it feel so wrong?

"I am so proud of you," He clapped a hand on her shoulder. "So, very, very proud of you Elli."

Elli looked at the unmoving people that lay in front of her. Six of them, maybe seven. She didn't know, she just killed. She did as she was told to do.

Their eyes looked back at her, hunting her. That was the thing she could never get away from. The way their eyes stared into her soul, burning it till there was nothing left

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