29. The one with Snuffles Part. 1

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After Elli's amazing meeting with her parents and teachers, she decided since it was nice out to go sit by the black lake. 

She just needed to get away with everyone. It felt like they were telling her what to do, rather than talking to her and helping her through everything. She hated that, being told how to act, what to do, how to morn. 

Elli had a lot to morn right now, a lot of lost loved ones. Even herself. Who she was, who she was supposed to be. Before people, including her own father, messed up her life. 

Somewhere in her wanderings, she somehow found herself in the dark forest. She was laying on the forest floor, not a care in the world about her finals or her friends and family, not even how she was probably getting her uniform dirty. Just the wind and the animals. They must have had a better life than her, she just wished she could be as free as a bird and fly away. She felt something nuzzle up to her. As she looked up, she saw a black dog.

"Why hello there," Elli said propping herself up on the nearby tree and petting the dog. "What's your name?"

It just looked up at her as if saying, 'really?'

"Right you can't communicate, well I'm going to call you... Snuffles," The dog shook his head causing her to let out a laugh. "Well too bad you can't talk, so your name will forever more be Snuffles."

The dog laid its head on her lap.

"Out of all the scary and weird creatures in the dark forest," She pet at his fur on top of his head. "I find a dog." 

She looked down, something felt familiar. But hey, her parents never let her have animals, so how could a dog feel familiar. They came up with lots of excuses, but Elli knew it was just that they didn't want her to see another thing die. 

"Well you look alright I guess, your fur might need some cleaning," It licked her hand. "Ok I get it, we can't all get shampoo out here." The dog barked at her."Can I tell you something?"

The dog looked up as if to say 'go on'.

"Well you see I'm in a bit of a pickle," Elli took a deep breath. "You see, everyone is so worried about me, but I'm fine. I just need to think. I wish Bucky was here, he always knew the right things to say." 

He looked up as if asking who Bucky was.

"Oh, Bucky he's one of my dads. I have like seven, and two moms," She swore his eyes bulged out. "I know crazy right, see I was kidnapped when I was young, and well my parents, well eight of them. Pepper doesn't do superhero stuff. However, she is basically a superhero in itself with all she has put up with my parents."

 The dog settled back down on her lap.

 "Anyways, I was rescued, heray," She said in a weak voice, the dog looked back up in worry. "Don't get me wrong I love my parents, it's just, how can any of them understand? When I was kidnapped they did stuff, and you see they gave me this power. I think they're scared if people find out they might be scared of me. I mean the professors already are." She took another deep breath. "Anyways, on top of that, I have to deal with my biological father coming into the mix." 

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