9. The one with a bunch of idiots

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There was this soft pitter patter sound on the ground as Elli walked. She never wanted to be too loud, because that could risk a whole surplus of punishments. She had known this from a young age, be as quiet as possible when being escorted through the halls with the fluorescent lights that flickered and hurt her eyes if she looked at them for too long.

Even if the two giant men who were escorting her made loud noises with their big boots, it wasn't safe for her to make noise.

"238," The scientist addressed her when she was shoved into the room. "Step up to the table please."

Elli knew what she needed to do, he asked her to do the same thing every day. She ran as fast as she could up to the table, looking at the option in front of her. There were so many to chose from, but she needed to make the right one.

Elli's hand skimmed over one, before moving to another and picking it up to show to the scientist.

"Ah," He clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth, scribbling something down on his clipboard. "Interesting. Now, bring them in."

Elli watched as they brought in a man, pulling him in by his arms as he looked frightened and already beat up. Some blood trickling down his forehead.

"Bitte, bitte verzeih mir. Bitte ich-ich werde es das nächste Mal besser machen," The man pleaded.

"238," The scientist ignored the man, looking over at Elli. "Töten."


Today was the day. Elli was a ball of emotions filled with excitement to fly again and nervous because it was her first time playing quidditch. And for some strange reason, she was scared to get hurt. Because it took a lot of energy for her small arms to pick up the buldger. Which to her mind meant it probably hurt like hell to get hit with.

 And mostly tried because all though she was fit, she wasn't that fit. Wood had given both Harry and Elli an introduction crash course to the sport, and boy was it fun to race up and down the pitch. So now here she was, staring down at her eggs and toast. First time in her life she wasn't hungry.

"Come on Elli you need to eat," Hermione smiled as she pushed the plate closer to the frowning girl. "You too Harry, you guys need your energy to play." 

"Yeah, come on," They all looked over at Ron stuffing his face.

Harry and Elli both shared looks with each other, the nerves racing through each other's eyes, then looking down at their food, they gulped. The hoots from above alerted the friends to the mail being delivered. 

"Oh look! The mail is here," Now, this brought Elli's spirits up. Her owl dropped off the newspaper and letters from her family. Flicking through the light stack, she noticed a couple of people missing from her normal mail train. One primarily being Bucky. Bucky always wrote to her, even before she went to Hogwarts, he would write little notes around their house. Because he did not like modern day things, like cellphones. Something must have been going on back home that they didn't want her to find out about, but she always did. 

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