46. The one with an old friend

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"So how was the mission?" Elli asked Steve as the team walked out of the jet and into the new Avengers training facility, their new home. Steve kept a straight face and just walked past her. "I'll take it went bad then."

"Yeah," Sam rotated his arm around, he must have hurt his arm. "Hey ignore the old man you know how he gets."

"Yeah I know," Elli frowned as she leaned on the counter. "So, can I rejoin the team yet?"

"Has it been four weeks yet?" Sam raised a brow.

"No..." Elli huffed as she walked over to the fridge to grab a bottle of water. 

Once she got back from Hogwarts, her parents told her that she was off the team for four weeks as a punishment for not telling them about the Triwizard Tournament. It had only been two weeks, and Elli was about to explode. It wasn't fair that she wasn't able to fight with everyone else. 

She got to at least write to her friends. Her and George wrote about every day, much to her owls dislike. She was full on falling for that ginger idiot. His letters were all Elli looked forward to. 

Natasha still had her practicing everyday, she missed Clint though. He had decided that he needed a break from hero work and was spending time with his wife and other children. The only people in the facility were workers, Steve, Natasha, Sam, Vision, Wanda, and Elli. 

Elli and Wanda were becoming great friends. They loved to stay up and watch movies till all hours in the night. Elli was also there to comfort Wanda about her nightmares, seeing as Elli had similar experiences with being one of HYDRA's experiments.

"Emma is still allowed to come over, right? You guys said it was fine when I asked," Elli had texted Emma and asked if she wanted to come hang out for the day.

"Yeah when's she coming in?" Sam snatched her water bottle out of her hands.

"She said she should be here by noon," Elli shot him a dirty look.

"Is your room clean?" Sam twisted the lid back on the top of the bottle.

"Yes, I cleaned it yesterday," Elli took her bottle back.

"Then we are all good kid," Sam sent her a smile as he walked away. 


Elli stood outside the Elementry school, holding tight onto Pepper's hand.

"Here we are, school!" Pepper tried to make it sound exciting.

"Why do I have to go?" Elli watched children her own age run up the steps. 

"Because it's fun and exciting, and you'll meet friends," Pepper tried, but saw she was falling. "Alright Elli, what is it going to take to get you to go inside?"

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