72. The one where someone comes out, again

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It was only the third day of break, but Elli never wanted this holiday to end. The more she allowed herself to be surrounded by people, the less she saw her victims, and the less that monster side of her that was trying to crawl out, and stayed buried beneath the surface. 

"So you were the other Werewolf I heard out in the dark forest?" Young Remus asked Jordan as the large group all sat around the fire in the living room.

"Guilty," Jordan chuckled.

"How did you figure out how to control yourself?" Old Remus had to ask, leaning forward in his seat a bit.

"I don't know, I have just been doing it since I was a baby. I haven't felt the pain since I was four, and I don't know, just sort of made it easier," Jordan shrugged.

"Lucky," Young Remus mumbled earning a slap on the back of his head by Old Remus.

"I remember the first time we ever transformed with Moony," Old Sirius said with a proud smile.

"Don't remind me," Old Remus groaned, dragging his hands down his face.

"Wait, that just happened right before summer last year for us, that was hilarious," Young Sirius threw his head back in laughter. It sounded just like his older self, just a hint of a bark in his laugh.

"Well then, if you know the story then I won't tell it," Old Sirius crossed his arms over his chest.

"Oh come on, tell it," Harry was probably smiling the most out of anyone in the ground. And how could he not, he was sitting next to his mother. 

"Why don't I tell you about the greatest prank we ever pulled instead," Sirius smirked.

"Yes!" James and young Sirius yelled, jumping up off the ground to show just how excited they were.

"Alright, alright," Old Sirius shook his head, a small chuckle leaving his lips. "Well, it was on Snivellus." 

"Why did you prank Severus!" Lily cried out. "What has he ever done to you?!"

"Actually Lily, you were fine with it," Old Remus flushed a bit, remembering that day all too well.

"I would never be fine with it!" Lily scoffed.

"Trust me, Lily, he did something bad and we paid him back," Old Sirius said proudly.

"What did he do?" Lily wanted to know what could have possibly been so bad.

"He called-" Old Sirius got cut off

"We can't tell you," Old Remus cut in, giving Old Sirius a look. He knew Snape had not called Lily the 'M' word yet, and he didn't want to ruin her stay here by telling her about it.

"Yeah, yeah," Old Sirius waved it off. "Now back to the prank, so because James was head boy-"

"What?!" Several people cried out, some even straight of laughing. Lily being the main one laughing.

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