51. The one in Azkaban

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Elli had been shoved into a chair, gripping onto the arms. She tried not to make a move, she didn't dare let them know that her pulse was treading high, and that if they looked into her eyes, they'd see terror. Because she had been in a situation like this before.

Shackles popped out and pulled her arms down more, locking them in with the chair before a pair did the same with their legs. The two Aurors who had walked her into this room, walking out as they passed by another guy.

Her eyes narrowed in on the guard who was walking towards her, holding in wand between his hands. "Now, Elli. I don't want to frighten you." He had a very thick northern accent. "But right now, you have to get your number."

"Just do it," Elli spoke through clenched teeth.

"Alright," He took another step forward, looking at her body to pick a spot. "Any preferences."

"Just not in any visible place, I'm trying to make it in an Ivy League college," Now wasn't the time to make jokes, she knew that, but it was a general trauma response she had to just say dumb witty things in times where she was panicking greatly.

The man let out a chuckle as he walked over to her ride side, turning her arm over a bit to get access to her upper arm. "How about we put it right here? That way, you can hide it whenever you want."

"Yeah, whatever," Elli muttered. "Why do you care so much?"

"Because some of us don't like to see little girls get branded," He placed the tip of his wand onto the under part of her upper arm. "This'll sting."

Elli's hands gripped tighter onto the arms of the chair, curling as she felt some wood splinter into her fingers and break off. Her teeth gripped tightly together as she pressed her lips so hard together, you would have thought she didn't have any at all.

"Alright, I'm done," The man pulled the wand away.

Elli looked down to see her new branding. There were two ruins she didn't understand because she didn't take ancient ruins, followed by the number 458.

Everything felt lost to her as she looked down at those numbers. All the progress she had made since she was five years old seem to go flying out the window.

"What do these numbers mean?" Her mouth felt dry.

"Thats what they'll refer to you as."



"You will do as your told!"

"Just to make sure you're in the right cell."

Elli nodded her head weakly. She was a number again. Just another number that was meant to suffer for nothing she had done wrong.

The shackles popped off of her arms and legs, one by one. Elli didn't make a sign of moving, she couldn't. Everything inside of her felt like she was five again, and needed to wait for instructions before she even moved a muscle. Or, she'd face the consequences.

Elli Rose: One too many adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now