44. The one with the maze

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The day had finally come for the last task in the Triwizard tournament. The only good thing that seemed to come out of it so far all this was that Elli and Harry had been excused from their final exams.

Which was a great relief because Elli hadn't thought about those once since her name got pulled out from the goblet.

She placed her foot onto the bench as she laced up her new boots Tony had given her. There was probably a gadget or two inside of them to help her, but he never told her what it was. The fun of it all was trying to figure out how the items worked.

Elli then threw her long sleeved shirt over her head. It was an odd pattern. On one side was red on the shirt and on the other the opposite. There was the Gryffindor crest on her right boob, and on her back was Rose in big letters.

Picking up her wand, she moved to exit out of the locker room she was told to use to change, but she stopped before she could leave it.

She felt... nervous.

It was an odd feeling for her to have. Normally, because she threw herself into a situation so fast, she never stopped to think about what might happen. But there were several things that could happen today.

Elli tried to shake the thoughts out of her head as she walked out and heard the loud cheers from people in the stands.

There was a very large hedge that stood close to them, the third Task she assumed.

She spotted her parents standing around, talking to each other.

"Elli," Sam smiled as he threw his arm around her shoulder. "You got this kid."

"Thanks," She giggled.

"Yeah, I mean you faced worse," Steve tried to find a positive in this situation. "You can do this."

"What even is this?" Pepper asked as she pointed at the maze. "I can't even figure out what you're supposed to do."

"I think Dumbledore is going to explain it in a bit," Elli said.

"So," Natasha rolled her eyes as she and Clint walked over. "We talked to the judges as they said the only weapon she can have is her wand."

"Yeah and then I heard one of them say, 'Oh thats where she gets it from,' when we walked away," Clint crossed his arms over his chest. "You giving us a bad rep?"

"No," Elli shook her head. "I think it's just because I asked if I had to kill the Dragon in the first task."

"Dragon!" Pepper gasped.

"Easy dear," Tony placed a hand on her back. "Bet she was fine. Right, Elli?"

"Oh yeah," Elli assured her. "Super easy when you can manipulate fire. Now what was hard was breathing underwater for an hour. That reminds me, Tony, I have your device for that up in my room."

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