70. The one where Remus life changes

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Elli sat on the swings, peeling a cutie orange Pepper had packed for her as a snack today. Her feet rocked her back and forth while she ate, looking at all the other children playing around the playground.

"Hi, Elli!" Emma was always so cheerful when she said her name. 

"Hi Emma," Elli smiled back.

"What are you doing over here by yourself?" Emma asked. 

"Thinking," Elli took a bite of her orange slice.

"About?" Emma took a seat on the swing next to Elli.

"I think I'm getting adopted," Elli told her. "I don't know what it means, but I heard Tony talking on the phone to someone about it."

"It means you're going to get a permanent home," Emma said. "Like when we adopted our cat. My mom called it adopting."

"Oh," Elli picked at the peel. "Who adopts humans then?"

Emma shrugged. "Parents I guess. Like a mom and dad."

"Only one of each?" Elli asked.

"Well, my mom says families come in all shapes and sizes," Emma rocked back and forth. "Like a mom and dad, or a mom and mom, or a dad and dad. People who love each other."

"Well, can more than two people adopt someone?" Elli wondered.

Emma shrugged again. "I don't know. Would be a bit silly though. I mean, there probably has to be a limit."

"Well, I've got nine people I think," Elli said. "I don't know how they're gonna make that work if only two of them get to adopt me."

"Maybe they'll pull your name out of a hat," Emma giggled.

"What about your parents?" Elli asked. "Do you have two?"

"No," Emma shook her head. "Just my mom. I asked her once who my dad was, she just told me she'd tell me when I was older and could understand adult problems."

"Do you want a dad?" Elli asked. 

"I don't know," Emma stopped rocking now, twisting herself around in her seat. "What do dads do?"

"Protect you, I think," Elli really didn't know. "But I think mom's do that as well."

"Then I don't need a dad," Emma said. "My mom already protects me and Jordan enough."


"I'm sorry what did you say?" Remus ran into the kitchen. Elli watched as his whole body froze upon seeing Emma and Jordan's mother. The other kids came running down to see who Remus had dated, and they to froze on sight.

Elli Rose: One too many adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now