42. The one in the Black Lake

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"I just don't get her," Ron ranted to Elli as they sat playing wizards chess in the common room. "She has finally lost it that one."

"Mhmm," Elli hummed as she watched her knight move.

Ron and Hermione hadn't been talking since the ball. That was over a month ago. Apparently, while Elli was having her moment with George, her two friends got into an argument. To which she had been caught up on by both sides on their account of what happened. Harry and Elli had been switching off who hung out with who so they didn't have to pick sides. Elli was on Ron watch at the moment. Hence, chess. 

"Checkmate," Ron grinned as his Queen killed her King. 

"How do you always win," Elli pouted as the rubbles that remained of her pieces. She had always been good at games with strategies, but Ron was the best at chess. 

"I'm just that good," Ron started to fix the pieces to start a new game. "So... you and my brother?"

"Yeah, pawn to C5," Elli kept her eyes focused on the board. "I hope thats not weird or anything."

"It's going to be weird," Ron told her. "Pawn to G4. But I mean, it would be weird if you started dating someone else."

"I guess, pawn to A5," Elli smiled. 

The common room door was thrown open as The Fat Lady hollered. "Do you mind!"

"Elli!" They both turned to see Harry and Hermione running over to them

"What's up?" Elli looked between the two out of breath friends. 

"I know the second task," Harry told her.

"What is it?" Her face dropped a bit. 

"No time!" Hermione grabbed onto her arm, and pulled her out of her seat. "Come on you three we need to go the library!"

Elli hadn't been thinking about the second task at all, she preferred to shove that to the far back of her mind with things like making sure her potions paper was done by next week. Problem was, the task was tomorrow.

And she knew she should have been doing more to try and figure out what it was. But that blasted egg gave her a headache every time she tried to open it. So she shoved it into her trunk. 

Apparently, all she needed to do was take a bath with the thing and it would spill all its secrets. 

"Harry, tell me again," Hermione paced back and forth.

It was nearing midnight and they had all been stuck inside the library all day. Ron was even snoring in his seat, but that was actually quite normal.

"'Come seek us where our voices sound,'" Harry tapped his chin on the book in front of him. 

"The black lake, that's obvious," Hermione stopped when she got to Ron, flicking his ear to wake him up. 

"'An hour long you'll have to look,'" Harry spoke the next line in the song he memorized.

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