27. The one with a broken broom

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Quidditch was something Elli could use to distract herself. A fun, rough, sport that allowed her to get her aggression out the easy way. No way- however scary the professor thought she was- was McGonagall pulling her off the team. She was their best chaser, even if she missed last year. 

They were doing great until it started to rain like the whole world was crying at once. Elli nearly fell off her broom a total of eight times at how intense the rain was falling down. It was hard to see too, even with goggles. It was a rough game, it didn't need the added challenge the Dementors sought to bring. 

If Elli didn't know better, she would think Thor was coming to visit with the way the lightning struck. 

Elli had been mid throw when she noticed Harry falling down from so high up in the sky, it was a miracle Dumbledore could save him in time.

And thats when the game was called. Everyone being shuffled inside and away from the thunderous rain.

"He looks a bit peaky," Ron tilted his head to the side as they all huddled around the unconscious Harry. "Doesn't he?"

"Peaky?" George's eyebrow shot up.

"What did you expect?" Fred rolled his eyes.

"He fell over a hundred feet." George pointed at Harry.

"Yah let's walk you off the astronomy tower, Ron-" Fred pointed at Ron.

"And see what you look like" George finished with a grin.

"Probably a right side better than he normally does," Harry groggily spoke as his eyes opened up. 

"How are you feeling?" Hermione sat down on the bed next to him, helping hand him his glasses.

"Oh, brilliant," Harry gave a sarcastic smile as he slipped his glasses on his face.

"You gave us a right good scare their mate," Fred patted his shoulder.

"What happened?" Harry looked around at everyone. "Did we win?"

"Well you fell off your broom," Ron stated the obvious. 

"It wasn't your fault though," Elli kept moving her shoulder around as the Bludger before the game was called collided there. "Dumbledore got furious when he heard the dementors were inside the wall."

"Yeah, he sent them away," Hermione nodded her head. 

"And well... we kinda lost," Elli tried to say in almost a whisper to help spare Harry's feelings, but he caught it. "Diggory caught the snitch right when Dumbledore called time. He wanted a rematch."

"But Wood said he won fair and square," George did a mock voice causing Elli to hit him in his stomach with the back of her hand. 

"How is Wood taking it?" Harry asked. Ah, Oliver Wood. The boy who had them practicing basically twenty- four hours a day, seven days a week, to finally win the Cup this year.

"We think he's trying to drown himself in the showers," Elli told him with a small smile.

"And if he isn't done in," George looked down at his wrist, pretending it had a watch. "Thirty minutes, we are throwing him into the black lake." Harry laughed lightly then noticed what was in Ron's arms.

"What's that?" He asked looking at the blanket wrapped object.

"Oh, well... you see." Ron took a deep breath. "When you fell off your broom, it kinda went flying into the Whomping Willow.... and well." 

Ron slowly unraped the blanket to reveal the very broken up Nimbus 2000, Harry's beloved broom. It was his most prized possession in this world, and now, it was in several different pieces. 

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