12. The one with Hagrid's hut

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"Elli, this is Asgard!" Thor threw his arms out, gesturing to the vast beautiful kingdom across the rainbow bridge. He was expecting some sort of reaction, maybe a gasp, but there was nothing. "Elli?"

He looked down to see Elli hunched over, holding her belly.

"That was... I think I'm going to be sick!" The seven year old told her father.

"Yeah, that might happen," Thor patted her back with a chuckle. "Can't you just feel the power here Elli? There is nothing like this on earth. I always feel the most powerful when I am back home."

Elli walked over to the side of the rainbow bridge and threw up the breakfast Pepper had made for her that morning. Standing up, she used her sleeve to wipe her mouth off before looking back at her father. "I'm glad you do. All I feel here is a tummy ake."

"Oh, come here princess," Thor swept her up into his arms, starting their walk across the bridge. "Why don't I get a remedy for you to help. I want you to enjoy your time here, little one. As this is now your home, just like it is mine."

"It is?" Elli looked around the place, finally taking it all in with a gasp of amazement that Thor had been looking for. "Thor, you live here?"

"I do," He proudly said. "With Loki, and my mother and father. Your grandparents."

"I have those?" Elli asked. "Grandparents, I mean."

"Of course you do," Thor told her. "And they are very excited to meet you, Elli. And for your coronation."

"Coronation?" Elli questioned the word. "What's that?"

"It means that there will be a very special party in honor of you. People will cheer your name, you will be the most celebrated little girl in all of Asgard. And the people here will lay down their lives for you," Thor explained. "Not that they will need to though. I mean, I am god, and the best warrior here."

"Will I be a warrior?" Elli asked.

"You already are," Thor kissed her forehead. "And soon you will have a crown to match."

"I will," Elli's face lit up. "Like the one at home?"

"No," Thor found this quite humorous. "This crown will be made of pure Asgard gold, with jews from the vault you get to pick out. Much more valuable than that plastic one."

"What if I lose it?" Elli asked.

"You won't," Thor assured her. "And if you do, well, we will make a new one for you. Nothing bad will happen to you here, Elli. I promise you."

Elli smiled up at him as they now stood at the end of the bridge. She turned to look up at the very large gold castle that sat high up on the mountain. 

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