55. The one where they listen

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"What do you mean?!" Lily snatched the paper out of Jade's hands as the boys looked over her shoulder to see as well.

And there it was on the top right hand side, September 2nd, 2015.

"I believe what Miss Scamander is trying to tell you is, you time traveled," Dumbledore told them.

"No. No way!" Lily shook her head, not wanting to believe it at all.

"What do we do Professor?" Remus gulped as Lily started to pace back and forth, freaking out. 

"The only thing we can do" Dumbledore pulled his wand out from his pocket. "I will have to change your appearance a bit, to help you blend in."

"Blend in?" Sirius asked

"Yes Mister Black, blend in," Dumbledore waved his wand in a swish like manner. Each of them grabbed onto their faces as they felt the bones start to move under them. It wasn't like taking polyjuice potion, it was a different kind of pain they were feeling for just a moment before it stopped. "You five messed with dangerous magic, magic that will take time in order to undo."

"So we are just supposed to pretend like we belong in this time?" James fixed his glasses on his face.

"Yes Mister Potter, and I should tell you that you five should pick new names, for the time being," Dumbledore told them. "While you are here, you should do well to remember that you are visiting on the lives of people not yet born to you. Here, you will meet students you feel a connection to. But I urge you, not to tell them who you truly are, it would only cause them a great deal of confusion. Now follow me, let us find you a fellow Gryffindors to help."

"What do you think he means by connection?" Sirius whispered as they followed Dumbledore out.

"I think he means not to snog every girl in the school," Lily rolled her eyes with her arms crossed tightly under her chest.

The five students walked with Dumbledore through the familiar halls of Hogwarts. The place still looked the same, but as they passed students, they didn't see one familiar face. 

Dumbledore seemed to be leading them effortlessly down the hall, as if he had a plan to take them somewhere. They walked down another flight of stairs and down a corridor on the second floor. 

It was there that they spotted a girl with long curly black hair, jumping up and down for her bag that Peeves was throwing things out of. 

"Peeves! So help me god's I will kill you!" The girl yelled jumping for her bag grabbing a textbook that was thrown out. "I will call the Bloody Baron!" 

Peeves shrieked and dropped her bag flying away. The girl caught it before squatting down to collect her things. Tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, they spotted three sets of piercings on her ear. Two at the bottom, and one up at her cartilage. 

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