1. The one with Elli Part 1.

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"LILY! JADE!" James Potter had spotted something- or rather someone- not right walking up to his path. A chill running down his spine as he looked out the front window. "GET TO HARRY AND ELLI NOW!!" His booming voice rattled the house as the two women hurried for their babies and hid in Harry's nursery.

"Oh Lilly...You don't think it's... him... do you?" Jade gulped down the last bit of saliva in her dry mouth as she held onto little Elli. Not daring to make any sudden moves.

"Let's not think bad... you know how anything will set James off," Lily was the rational friend, she had to be to keep her best friend and their children safe. "It was probably just a sol-" but she was cut off by a loud bang on the front door. And then a blinding green light came from under Harry's door. She knew her husband and the love of her life was, dead.

"Quick let's get the kids into the cupboard!" Jade's heart was pounding in her chest. All she could think about was saving her daughter. Thats what a mother's job is, to risk your own life for their young. 

"Mummy wats go'n on?" Elli rubbed her eyes as her mom put her into the cupboard floor. Not understanding what was going on.

"I love you my sweet Elli always remember that," Jade kissed her forehead as a single tear left her face, holding her lips there for a moment as she tried to remember her daughter just as we were. And with a painful decision, she put her daughter under a sleeping spell; just as Lilly got Harry out of his crib the door to the room was blown open. Causing Jade to shut the cupboard door fast but quietly and stepping over to Lilly.

"Give me the child!" Voldemort hiss at the two women protecting the crying child.

"You will not touch him," Jade raised her wand up, ready to fight till the end.

"Fine then," You could see a smirk across his face under his robes as he put his wand up and pointed to Jade. "Avada Kedavra!" And with that Jade dropped to the floor as Lilly cried and turned away with her son over his crib.

"No please not Harry! Please!" She begged but all she got were those two strong words pointed right at her this time and she was out.

"Now you're all mine boy," The dark lord hissed, but this time when he spoke those terrible words, they just bounced leaving him to wither away. His body shriving to the ground.

"My Lord!" Crane, one of his many Death Eaters, came in and saw him gone before his very eyes. He was only meant to be there to guard the house for any of The Order members showing up. He failed, in the most horrific way. He turned around as he slammed his fist into the wall. This caused a small rattle to work its way around the room, and just like that, a child stumbled out of the cupboard.

"Who 're you?  Mummy not moving?!" Elli went to grab her mom, but Crane got her first.

"Come here you brats!" He hissed but as he went to reach Harry, the front door opened and he disapparated out of there with Elli in hand. Because if he had her, maybe he had leverage in saving his own ass.

Elli was kicking and screaming though, giving this man the best struggle she could put up as a two year old. But somewhere along the way, she was dropped when because of a hard slap to this man's face. 

Crane thought her dead and continued on not thinking much trying to find a safe place to hide now that his Lord was gone. But that was far from the truth.

Elli just kept screaming until she landed on a soft bed of snow. She was terrified and did not know where she was. Her arms and legs freezing cold that touched her delicate skin in a violent way. Elli could see something in the distance. Blinking a few times she noticed it was a man with a weird-looking thing over his eyes approaching her.

"Hello, my child, lost are we," He had a thick accent from somewhere she did not know of, with a devilish smirk on his face. And even though she was young Elli could tell this was not a good sign.

"Where mummy?" Elli trembled.

"I don't think your mother will find you any time soon," The man gave a menacing chuckle as he reached for something in his pocket. "Just be glad we found you, and not Dreykov. Now he would have had so much fun with you. Oh you do look like a little fighter. What's your name, little one?"

"Elli," She tried to back away, but the snow was too hard to move through.

"Well, Elli, welcome to Hydra," When he smiled that god-awful smile, all Elli saw was yellow teeth before he lunged forward and jammed something into her arm. Her eyes blinking before she fell backwards back into the snow. "We're going to put you to so much use."


AN: I hope you enjoy the story, and just so you know... you're in for a rollercoaster of emotions.



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