20. The one with the Avengers

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It was like being on autopilot, like someone else was controlling Elli's thoughts and actions. She didn't remember how she and Clint got on a plane with a bunch of other SHIELD agents, all with the same blue eyes... 

She didn't remember making a suit, thee suit...

The Tesseract had shown her what she needed to make in order for her not to burn her clothes to a crisp. But she didn't remember making it, only being shown. She didn't ask questions, she just followed orders...

"Elli!" She knew the voice, it was Thor's. "You can stop this!" He yelled banging on the glass prison she had just broken Loki out of. But she looked at the god with no emotions, she only did as told.

It was just like when she was younger.

Her mind tried to fight it off. To push it back, but it was so intoxicating. Her own father's voice was being pushed back and altered. Only coming out as a target for her. 

"Now why would she want to stop this dear brother?" Loki smirked at his brother.

"I swear on my life Loki," Thor hissed at the man he used to call his 'brother'. "If anything happens to her, I will kill you."

"Now why would I hurt my favorite soldier," He said about to push the button to drop Thor to his death, Elli felt something. She didn't want to see him die, but she gripped her head as those thoughts were violently pushed from her mind.


"I'd move if I were you," Coulson pointing a big gun a Loki's back. His eyes drifted over to Elli, trying to determine if she was a threat or not. She was a child, he knew that. But with that power inside of her, being controlled by a mad man. He didn't want to have to make that hard decision. 

"Elli," Loki looked over at the girl, not seeming concerned in the slightest. "Why don't you go take care of the others, I got this one." He smiled as she walked right past Coulson. Loki used the fact that basically everyone on this ship loved and cared for this child to his advantage. He knew she would be just perfect to add to his collection of soldiers. 

Walking down the hall, she looked at people running past her. Elli didn't pay any attention to them, because they weren't her targets. The real ones came into her sight when she turned the corner. Her eyes honing in on Natasha holding up an unconscious Clint, with Steve and Tony suited up next to the ex-spy.

"Elli!" Steve ran towards his daughter, wanting nothing more than to just hold her and make sure she was okay. 

But that's not what was in mind for the mind controlled pre-teen. Her hand shot up before she could even realize what she was doing. Shooting fire out at her father. However, Steve was faster than her and put his shield up blocking the attack. He was pushed back a bit, shocked at the power that was coming out of Elli. He slowly lowered his shield as he looked up to see Elli. Her hair was waving as if there was wind getting blown through the air locked ship, with fire sparking through it. Her eyes were cold and blue, a thing he hoped to never see on his little girl again.

Elli Rose: One too many adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now