11. The one with Sorcerer's Stone

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Elli peered up at the sky, the snow flacks falling all around her. Her toes curling as they gripped the icy ground.

It felt so nice to be outdoors. Even though she could see it through her window, she never got to go outside and feel the snow. 

Her hand reached to catch a couple of the snowflakes in them. She tilted her head to the side as she watched them slowly start to melt away. It was beautiful, it was the first beautiful thing Elli could remember. 

"Elli, pospiesz się, nie mamy dużo więcej czasu," The guard who had taken her outside shivered as he wrapped his arms around himself, asking for Elli to hurry up because they didn't have much more time out here.

He was a young man from Poland, yet a new language Elli was having to learn. He was new here, he didn't yet know all the rules. That was apparent when he took Elli outside to see the snow when she told him she had never been outside before. Not that she could remember at least. 

Elli dropped her hand down before she ran back over to him at the door. He opened it up, pushing Elli a bit to get inside, but not forcefully like the rest of the guards. 

He walked her back to her room, opening the door, she ran right back over to the window to keep staring at the snow she had just touched.

"Wesołych Świąt," He was wishing her a Merry Christmas.

"Christmas?" Elli turned around, never hearing that word before. "What's Christmas?"

The man looked a little stunned that she was asking him this. "It's... well, it is, how you would say, wakacje, a holiday. You spend it with your rodzina."

"I don't think I have a family," Elli mumbled as she turned back to look out the window.

The man didn't know how to respond to this, so he shut the door. Elli heard the familiar locking sound, but chose to focus on the beautiful snowflakes in front of her. 

That man was a very nice man to her, probably the first form of kindness she ever had. 

It was too bad in a week Elli would be ordered to kill him for this kindness. 


Elli has fallen asleep curled up in her seat with her head in Natasha's lap, as Steve needed to use the bathroom. Natasha happily took his place, as she lightly stroked Elli's hair. Trying not to think so hard and just be in the moment with her daughter.

"Hey, how is she?" Steve came back over as he sat down on Natasha's other side.

"I think she will be ok, our kids strong," Natasha smiled at him.

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