77. The one with the different names

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*TW: Talks of suicidal thoughts/actions. 

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James didn't have any injuries from the night prior, but let's just say after Lily got done with him, he did.

"You alright there James?" Young Sirius chuckled, taking a seat next to the boy.

"No," James face contorted in pain as he adjusted the bag of ice that sat in his crotch region. "Lily has one mean kick, I need some alcohol."

"Can't," Old Remus told him as he walked by. He still looked very tired from the night before.  "You're underage."

"Technically I'm the same age as you," James countered.

"Technically, you're dead," Elli told him.

"Can't you just help me out once Elli?!" James waved his free arm around.

"Nope," Elli grinned. "If I can't drink, you can't drink."

"Doesn't it have no effect on you though?" Ginny asked.

"What?!" Old Sirius's head snapped over to his daughter across the long table. "And how would you know that?"

"Let's just say, I love a good experiment. It takes alcohol precisely two point three-five seconds to leave my system," Elli informed him.

"No Alcohol," Sirius pointed a stern finger at her.

"I can't make any promise," Elli smirked taking a bite of her chicken.

"I swear I'm going to die of a heart attack," Old Sirius groaned, sinking into his seat. He reached forward and ironically, grabbed his glass of wine.

"You thought you would?" Young Sirius scoffed, the nerve of himself. "I had about five a day at Hogwarts!"

"Remember the threat," Elli said in a sing song voice, picking up the butter knife and twirling it in her hands.

"I mean it is a peaceful relaxing time when I'm around Elli!" Young Sirius's voice went much higher. His hand shook a bit as he shoved food into his mouth. 

"You know if Elli likes experiments so much," Old Remus smirked. "You should tell her about the experiment you did with her name."

"What happened with my name?" Elli gave her father a look.

"Well, you originally weren't supposed to be Elli Rose," Sirius's told her.

"And what was I supposed to be?" Elli asked.

"Ellouise Roselet," Old Sirius's lips pressed together in a smile.

"My name was supposed to be... Ellouise Roselet Black?" Elli went pale at just the thought of that.

"Actually, Ellouise Roselet Tina Scamander-Black," Old Sirius was trying so hard not to laugh.

"Who the bloody hell came up with that?!" Elli asked in disbelief.

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