69. The one where Dumbledore stops by

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"How did you know?" James asked after the awkward silence that followed.

"I grew suspicious when you first arrived," Elli looked over at him. "There was something about you five that just didn't add up. I was told not to snoop so I didn't. But curiosity got the best of me, and I finally figure it out when I took the map from Harry. I saw your names written on it, and ever since then I've been holding onto it so no one else found out your secret."

"Damn," The young Remus hissed. "We forgot that the map. It only shows our names if it's us, or someone related to us."

"And I thought you were smart," James whispered to Lily earning an elbow to the gut. "Ow!"

"This-it can't be," Old Sirius wand dropped to his side. "I don't remember any of this happening!"

"You probably wouldn't," Elli turned back to look at him. "Dumbledore must have put a memory charm on you before you got sent back."

"If we get sent back," Young Sirius mumbled.

"Trust me, you will," Elli told them.

"But they don't even look like us!" Old Sirius cried out.

"Do you really think Dumbledore would allow your younger selves to prance around the school, with their future kids walking around?" Elli asked raising an eyebrow.

"No..." Old Sirius said quietly.

"Haha! Your daughter owns you!" James taunted pointing a finger at Young Sirius.

"Shut it, James" Young Sirius swatted his hand away.

"James..." Old Sirius and Remus said together looking at the boy they had lost long ago.

"Thats me!" James held his arms out. "Bet you two were all lost without me."

"God James, your such an arrogant toe rag," Lily rolled her eyes.

"Oh, how I've missed you two!" Sirius cried out wrapping the two in a tight hug.

"Why don't I get a hug?" Young Sirius asked.

"Because it's just too weird to hug myself," Old Sirius said pulling away, pointing a finger at Lily. "Haha. You fell in love with James!"

"I swear on my life," Lily hissed at him. "I will kill you, both versions of you."

"And how I have missed your threats," Remus chuckled lightly.

"You're all so weird," Elli turned to the last girl in the room. "It's good to finally meet you, Jade."

"It's great to meet you," Jade had tears in her eyes, happy ones of course. This all felt very surreal.

"Jade," Sirius spoke in a soft voice before he pushed everyone out of the way, including himself, to get to her. He hugged her tighter than any of Mrs. Weasley's hugs. "I'm so sorry."

Elli Rose: One too many adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now