71. The one with the milk and cookies

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Elli sat in the living room, her legs kicked up on a chair, reading a biography written supposedly about her family. Naturally, she had been curious when she spotted it on a news cart down the street. And boy was it shit. It was written almost as bad as what Rita Skeeter used to write about her last year. 

There was a lovely variety of chapters titled things like, The Start of Heros: How a scrawny kid from Brooklyn became Captain America. Or, The Divide of a team: Where the real problem started. And her personal favorite one, The little girl who thought she could fight: Stupid or Brave?

Absolute bullshit. 

The chapter written about her actually made her laugh, twenty whole pages filled with nothing but rumors at best. The public didn't know she was adopted, of course. So they went with the idea she was some poor orphan child that decided to tag along with the Avengers to help save the city of New York. Well, that was almost true, but a lot more complicated that than. Or, her favorite bit from the chapter, how she was currently being stored in a secret Russian prison after whats happened after the bombing of the UN. 

The man's face when she picked up the book was priceless, he about fell off his chair and gave her the book for free. 

All in all, it was a shit book. She'd probably just use the pages to help keep the fire burning in the fireplace later, because that was the best use she could find for a book that described Ultron as "When you give the internet to children."

The front door opened up, and a moment later, the Weasley children and Molly were shuffling in with snow covering their coats and hats. 

"Hi Love," George took his coat off, walking over to lean down and give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi," Elli tossed the trash book to the side, standing up from her chair. "How did it go?"

"Great, Dad's still banged up. But he should be able to come home for Christmas," George held his cold hands out to her with a hopeful look in his eyes. Elli rolled her own eyes before taking his hands to help warm him up. "What did we miss while we were out?"

"Well...  Found out, well I already knew, anyways the new kids are actually from the past. My dad, my mom, Remus, James, and Lily. Then Emma and Jordan came over to stay with us with their mom. Turns out Remus dated their mom. Also turns out Remus is their dad. And Harry is still in his room," Elli replied casually as the Weasley clan looked shocked at her.

"What did you just say, dear?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"Harry is still in his room, sad I know. But I haven't figured out a way to get him out yet," Elli sighed.

"I think mum meant before that," Ron said.

"The new kids being from the past, Remus being the dad of my longest friends, that part?" Elli asked.

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