68. The one with the Childhood home of Hell

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"You can't make me go in there!" Young Sirius wailed as young Remus and James tried to drag him into his childhood home of hell. After they heard about the Weasley's kids' father being attacked, they didn't think they would be joining the group for Christmas. Dumbledore informed them otherwise, saying it was for their best protection they went. Sirius, of course, put up the fight of his life to return to a home he had just recently run away from.

"Sirius Black!" Lilly hissed in a low voice standing in front of him. "You will get your arse in that house right this moment!"

"Mm-mm," Sirius mumbled shaking his head violently.

Elli stood with Tonks in the doorway of the house. The two girls looked quite puzzled by the group of kids who had been arguing a distance away in the freezing cold.

"What's their deal?" Tonks finally asked.

"They're strange," Elli said casually.

"Us, strange? Or strange, strange?" Tonks asked.

"I haven't decided yet," Elli told her. "But they're hiding something..."

"Knowing you, you're probably on your way to finding it out," Tonks said. "Or probably have."

"Why do you think I told Dumbledore it would be a good idea for them to come here for break? I have a theory I wanted to test out," Elli had a sly smirk on her face before turning back to look at the struggle in front of her. Sirius was now holding onto a tree, while James and Remus pulled him by his legs. "Oi, you lot! Get inside now! This isn't a bed and breakfast, we can't just be out in the open!"


It took all four of Sirius's friends to drag him into the house, and once inside, he was met with familiarity. And not in a good way.

"It's... lovely?" Jade lied straight through her teeth.

"You don't have to lie Kalani, it's an absolute dump," Elli led them down that dark entrance hall.

"Well don't scare them off right away," Old Sirius said as he came around the corner with a goofy grin. The five friends had to take a step back as they looked upon the Sirius of the future. Young Sirius was gapping like a fish. This was certainly the oddest part about being here, seeing himself look old.

"Sirius, Greg got scared just by the outside of it," Elli said.

"Well I don't bloody blame him," Old Sirius said. His eyes traced over the boy, then the rest of the kids. He was very confused, to say the least. It was like the universe made a copy of him and his friends, just not as good looking in his opinion.

"What's all the commotion about?" The group looked over to see Old Lupin come down the stairs. It was young Remus' turn to go wide eyed at his future self. He looked terrible! There were bags under his eyes and his hair looked thinner.

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