16. The one with pixies

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Harry and Ron had gotten detention for arriving in Ron's dad's car to school. Thankfully they were lucky they hadn't got expelled. But Elli sure loved it when Hermione went on an hour long rant about how stupid they were and what the more logical approach would have been. She brought snacks to watch it go down. 

The next day, after breakfast and Elli's trip to the nurse, which actually she did end up telling Hermione about last year all about- but not her special pill that is- they went to Herbology. 

Elli found this class... interesting last year. You never knew if you were walking in to look at some pretty flowers, or a deadly plant. Today looked to be the latter. 

"Good morning everyone," Professor Sprouts said as she walked in, when nobody replied she banged on the pot and repeated herself.

"Good morning Professor Sprouts!" The class replied. 

"Welcome to greenhouse three, second years," Sprouts started with a smile. "Now gather around everyone, today we are going to repotting Mandrakes. Who here can tell me the properties of a Mandrake root?" She hadn't even finished her sentence when Hermione put her hand up. "Yes, Miss Granger." 

Elli zoned out for her whole definition, she already had to stay up and study ahead with Hermione last night, so she basically knew it already. Plus Hermione studies in her sleep, it's very strange. 

"Excellent, ten points to Gryffindor!" 

And with that Elli started to pay attention again. She loved winning, she doesn't have a reason she just does. 

"Now as our mandrakes are still at seedlings their cries can't kill you yet, but they can knock you out for several hours, which is why I have given each of you a pair of earmuffs for auditory protection. So if you could please put them on right away," Elli made sure hers were on nice and tight on top of her ears. "Watch me closely, you grab your Mandrake firmly, you pull up-" That was about all Elli got as a high pitch scream went through the air and she covered her ears, even more, to get that sound away from her.

They started repotting the Mandrake's on their own, Elli had to have a fight with her's. The screaming thing seemed to have an attachment issue to its old pot. 

Poor Neville though passed out, kid couldn't even start this year off with a break.

"Longbottoms been neglecting his earmuffs then," Sprouts peered over at the boy.

"No ma'am," Seamus hooked his head. "He's fainted."

"Oh very well then," Sprouts them. "Continue, I'll get someone to fetch Longbottom."


The four friends were enjoying the feast while Ron was attempting to fix his wand with tape. Elli was no expert, but she knew this would never work. 

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