61. The one with the new rules

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"So, I'm thinking we wear matching shirts to the game," Emma was sat sideways on the bench at Breakfast next to Elli. "This is my first quidditch match here, and I want to go all out."

"Emma, I'm on the team," Elli told her. "I'm going to be matching with six other people in my uniform."

"Oh," Emma's happiness deflated. "Well, there goes my plans."

"You can still be you," Elli picked up some eggs placing them on her plate. "Go all out, have fun."

"I most certainly will," Emma declared. "I will be cheering you on louder than your boyfriend."

"He's on the team too," Ron spoke through a mouth filled with food.

Hermione was disgusted as Ron shoveled yet another sausage link into his mouth. "Do you ever stop eating?"

"What? I'm hungry," Ron tried to defend himself.

Hermione shook her head and looking over, she saw Harry approaching them. "Harry."

"Mind if I join you?" Harry stood awkwardly in the middle of the aisle.

"Well if you have to ask, that's a bit weird," Elli teased him.

Hermione was about to scold her, when they heard arguing coming from outside the great hall. Everyone could hear it traveling into where they were sitting. They got out of their seats to see what was going on.

Walking into the entrance hall, they saw McGonagall and Umbridge arguing on the steps.

"-when it comes to my students, you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices," McGonagall scolded her. Elli gave a slight smile to Harry as he nodded his head lightly at her. She was glad he took her warning seriously.

"So silly of me, but it sounds like your questioning my authority, in my own classroom," Umbridge took a step up, trying to appear more superior. "Minerva."

"Not at all," McGonagall wasn't backing down though as she took a step up as well. "Delores. Merely your medieval methods."

"I... am sorry, dear. But to question my practice is to question the Ministry, and by extension, the Minister himself." Umbridge looked astonished more than anything that someone would question her. "I am a tolerant woman, but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty."

"Disloyalty," McGonagall repeated taking a step down.

"Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared," Umbridge turned to address the students. "Cornelius will want to take immediate action."

The students would soon be introduced to the first of the educational decrees to be put in place made so that Umbridge as the High Inquisitor. A term that meant Umbridge had the power to make rules as she saw fit around the school whenever she pleased.

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