76. The one with the Quanta Who-Not

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*warning, and I can't believe I'm giving in to this, but there's... smut.


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Tonight was a big night. They only had two days before break, however, not everyone was going to be enjoying their night.

"Are you sure it will be safe?" Elli asked her dad, again.

"For the hundredth time, yes," Sirius chuckled. "We have three of us, plus a werewolf who can control himself, versus two werewolves. We got this. Even without getting any wolfsbane potion."

"Fine," Elli sighed, giving her dad a hug. "I just don't like the idea of you getting hurt".

"I will be okay Elli," Sirius assured her. He kissed the top of her head before they pulled away.

"Lily hug me I might die!" James dramatically held out his arms.

"If you die, it's your own stupid fault for doing it in the first place," Lily told him crossing her arms.

"You'll hug me right Jade?" Young Sirius looked down at her with a pout.

"Sure Sirius," Jade giggled, giving him a quick hug.

"And a kiss as well?" Young Sirius smirked.

"Don't push your luck Black," Jade shook her head.

"It was worth a shot," Young Sirius said.

"Honestly, it's like we aren't the ones turning or anything," Jordan rolled his eyes complaining to both Remus'.

"Oh my dear brother!" Emma dramatically hugged him. "Whatever shall I do if you get hurt!" She gave a fake crying before looking up at him with a grin. "Feel better?"

"You always know how to help a brother out," Jordan chuckled.

"Well have fun with your father, son, and other version of father, bonding time," Emma patted his shoulder.

"Be careful," Mary said hugging Jordan next. "And remember if something goes wrong..."

"Yes I know," Jordan sighed, pulling apart. 

"I made snacks!" Molly came rushing in with bags full of treats.

"Honestly mum, they're not going to have time to eat those," George told her.

"Yeah they're going to be too busy eating people," Fred smirked.

"Fred!" Molly snapped at him.

"I'm not Fred I'm-" But Fred got cut off.

"Nope! He's Fred!" George pointed at his twin, taking a side step. Fred gave him a hurt look "Sorry, but I'm not the one who insulted a bunch of werewolves the night they turn!"

"Yeah I would run if I were you, Fred," Elli told him as Fred looked over to see the three werewolves eyeing him.

"Right," Fred said before dashing up the stairs.

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