62. The one with the ex-Professor

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After the rules, came the evaluations. The woman was judging the teachers on everything, and trying to tear them apart in the process. Umbridge practically rubbed it in Snape's face that she got the job he always wanted. She made Trelawney look crazy, well more crazy than normal... And she measured Flitwick. Elli didn't know how that correlated with good teaching, because it just seemed rude that she would do such a thing. The best by far had to be McGonagall who ignored her the entire time she was in her class. It was a beautiful site in Elli's eyes.

But nothing could prepare them for her true master plan.

"Cho, what's going on?" Harry asked her. He and Elli had just been walking through the halls, when they saw a commotion and lots of people heading towards the courtyard.

"It's Professor Trelawney," Cho said sadly. The three walked out into the courtyard to see Trelawney crying in the center as Filch brought her bags over.

"She can't do this," Elli mumbled when she saw the shaken up professor.

"I have a feeling she does whatever she pleases," Harry said through gritted teeth.

"Sixteen years I've... I've lived and taught here," Trelawney's voice quivered as the students watched from a distance. "Hogwarts is my home. You... you can't do this"

"Actually I can," Umbitch pulled out the piece of paper from her pocket, looking as happy as ever that she had a significant amount of power here. 

Elli narrowed her eyes, what she would give to just burn that paper. She started to think though... maybe she would play Umbridge at her own game... Oh, she was about to tap into all the devilish tricks her uncle had ever taught her. 

McGonagall pushed past the students and went to comfort the now crying ex-professor.

"Something you'd like to say, dear?" Umbridge asked as if she wasn't running people's lives

"Oh, there are several things I would like to say," McGonagall told the woman. The head of Gryffindor house seemed to be bitting her tongue tho, choosing to comfort the crying Trelawney.

The giant doors to the entrance of Hogwarts pushed open as Dumbledore, the man rarely few had seen these past couple of weeks, came walking out. 

"Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside?" Dumbledore said as he walked over to the women. Trelawney thanked him as McGonagall walked her back inside.

"Dumbledore, may I remind you that, under the terms of Educational Decree Number twenty-three, as enacted by the Minister-" Umbrage started her rant before Dumbledore shut her up.

"You have the right to dismiss my teachers," Dumbledore gave her a vicious glare, that surprised most students to see he had that in him. "You do not, however, have the authority to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the headmaster."

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