81. The one with the strange town

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"Well..." Elli said clapping her hands together in front of her looking at the boy "From what I've seen of Mystic Falls, this alleyway looks spectacular."

He gave her an odd look, his hand inching for something in his back pocket. "What do you mean you've only been back here?"

His movements didn't go noticed by Elli. "Someone just dropped me off here... what are you doing?"

In one quick motion he took a small flask out of his back pocket, opened the top, and threw the liquid contents of what was inside of it at her.

Elli spluttered, some of the odd tasting water hitting her tongue. "What was that for?!"

His face dropped a bit. "I-I'm sorry... it's your you're-"

Elli's tongue tapped at her lips, a sour looking coming upon her. "Why does this taste like vervain?"

If anything, this caused the boy to get even more confused. "How do you know what vervain is?"

"Better question is why are you throwing it at me?" Elli shot back at him. "I've been through a lot today, random dude, I do not need to be quizzed on how I know what vervain is." 

Vervain was something everyone knew at Hogwarts. Not only was it used in some ingredients for potions. But when Quirrell used to be the Defence teacher, he often used to have them take a sip of it because he was terrified of vampires. Even though anyone who practiced magic could not fall under the compulsion of vampires, he was still terrified one day one of them would show up and drain him of his blood. Which was quite weird looking back on things, because he had Voldemort on the back of his head that whole time. 

"Sorry," He tucked the flask in his back pocket. "I'm Matt, by the way."

"Elli," She crossed her arms over her chest. "So, Matt, you going to tell me why you thought I was a vampire?"

Matt couldn't get a proper read on this girl, and if he made the wrong choice, Damon would surely kill him. "Are you human?"

"Not entirely," Elli tilted her head to the side. "What do you know about non-humans?"

"What do you know?" Matt raised a brow.

Elli rolled her eyes. "I man not playing this game. I hate it when Cooper does it, and I certainly don't like it when a random guy I just met is doing it. So, let's skip the reach around."

Elli held her hand out in front of her, a small ball of fire appearing between her flamed fingers. Matt's eyes expanded, he knew he'd seen her face somewhere before.

"You're the Phoneix!" Matt gasped.

"And a wanted fugitive!" Elli hissed, lowering her hand back to her side as the fire disappeared. "So I'd rather you not shout that out in the open like that. "So now that I've shown you mine, you show me yours. And I definitely did not mean to make that sound as dirty as I said it."

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