57. The one with the next day

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"Elli... Elli..." Hermione gently tried to shake the sleeping girl awake, but knew her friend well enough to know this wasn't going to accomplish anything. "Elli Rose! Wake up right this instant!"

"I'm awake!" She yelled into her pillow.

"Come on Elli! You are going to miss breakfast on the first day of school," Hermione picked up her bag before walking towards the door. "Do not fall back asleep. Do you hear me?"

Elli gave her a thumbs up before her hand flopped back down to her bed. 

Hermione left the room to go do her prefect rounds before breakfast.

Elli knew she needed to get up, but her eyes just didn't want to open. They were like two weights being pulled down and refused to stay up. But she knew Hermione would have a fit if she missed breakfast, because they always got their course schedules on the first day and Hermione loved to map out their schedules together. 

So, with a great deal of effort, Elli sat up, resembling more of a zombie than an actual person. 

"Not a morning person I see," Jade smiled at her through the mirror in the room as she brushed out her long straight hair.

"Or a night person," Elli yawned, pulling her hands down her face and trying to get the sleep out of her eyes.

"So what time of day do you prefer?" Jade placed her brush down as she turned around.

"About noon," Elli gave a lazy laugh as she pulled off her soft sheets. Standing up, she stretched a bit before going to her trunk and grabbing her uniform out. When she went to open the bathroom door, someone was already walking out.  "Oh, Hi Amie? Isn't it?"

"Uh, yeah," She replied quickly remembering the name she chose. "I'll just step out so you can shower".

"Thanks," Elli stepped around the girl before going into the bathroom. 

Jade walked over to Elli's side of the room as she heard the water turn off. There were several pictures of Elli with other people on her side table. There was one with the two boys and the girl they had met, Elli's friends. They looked younger and were laughing as the picture moved. 

Then there was one with another ginger boy, but he had his arm around her. Elli was in a very pretty black dress and the boy was in a nice seat of robes. This must have been her boyfriend, because she watched Elli go onto her tiptoes and kiss his cheek.

The last one was a still picture, a muggle one. There were nine adults in the picture, seven men and two women. One of the men who had long blonde hair and was the tallest of them all, had Elli sitting on his shoulder. They all looked so happy in this picture.

"Jade," Lily softly said as she walked over.

"I can't believe I'll never get to know her," Jade bit her bottom lip as she tried not to cry. Lily placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Elli Rose: One too many adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now