30. The one with Snuffles Part. 2

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Elli felt someone trying to pull her out of the peaceful slumber she so desperately clung onto

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Elli felt someone trying to pull her out of the peaceful slumber she so desperately clung onto. She was running through a field in her favorite green dress. The sun was shining so brightly and the butterflies wanted to play with her.

But, once again, someone was violently shaking her shoulder.

"Five more minutes Hermione," Elli mumbled as some drool ran down her chin. Then felt something smack her in the face and jolted up. "I'm awake!" She looked around to see she was sitting next to Ron on a couch who was giving her a sympathetic look while shaking his hand, with Harry and Hermione standing next to them. Elli turned and saw Snape pointing a wand at Lupin and Black.

"Good you're awake," Snape cast her a glance for a second before turning and looking back at the two men he was pointing his wand at. "Too bad you will also have to see your father die."

Before Elli could have any sort of reaction towards that, Harry snatched Hermione's wand from her back pocket and pointed it towards the older men.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry yelled, his spell not going anywhere near Lupin or Black, but at Snape.

"Shit!" Elli yelled as he went soaring to the other end of the room onto the bed. "What the hell did I miss?!"

"You attacked a teacher!" Hermione looked gobsmacked.

"Tell me about Peter Pettigrew!" Harry turned the wand to point between Lupin and Black.

"He was at school with us." Lupin started. "We thought he was our friend."

"No, Pettigrew is dead," Harry turned and pointed his wand at Black. "You killed him."

"No, he didn't." Lupin quickly came to the rescue standing in between them. "I thought so too, until you mentioned seeing Pettigrew on the map."

"The map was lying," Harry concluded.

"The map never lies!" Black insisted.

"Well, how are we to know that," Elli pushed herself to sit up, feeling a bit dizzy still. "What kinda genius is named the Marauders?"

"What kinda name is the Avengers?" Black asked back with just as much sass.

"Good point," Elli shrugged as he leaned back to rest her head on Ron's shoulder. "I'll let you continue, I still feel out of it."

"God, you two really are related," Lupin rubbed his temples.

"Like I was saying," Black continued rolling his eyes. "Pettigrew is alive and he's right there!"

Everyone followed to where Black was pointed at with his dirty finger, leading right to...

"Me!?" Ron's eyes winded as Scabbers shifted around in his hands. "Your mental!"

"This just turned into a bad soap opera," Elli let out a little gasp.

"Not you," Black rolled his eyes at the boy's thick head. "Your rat!"

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